The 65+ Best Songs About Heroes, Ranked By Fans

Ranker Music
Updated December 15, 2024 124.0K views 68 items
Ranked By
5.8K votes
1.6K voters
3 reranks

Who doesn't need a hero to save them every once in a while? This list ranks the best songs about heroes, and includes music from every genre you can think of. Some of these songs may include the words hero in the title, while others are about fictional heroes or heroines. Take "Flash" by Queen for example, or the ridiculously catchy "Kryptonite" by 3 Doors Down. Other songs on this list are about everyday heroes, such as Mariah Carey's "Hero" or Bonnie Tyler's "Holding Out For A Hero." Seeing that he's the most popular hero, it's no surprise that many of these songs are about Superman. Goldfinger, Eminem, and many other famous musicians all have songs called "Superman," and they're all featured on the poll below.

 Vote up the songs you enjoy the most by clicking the thumbs up next to their names, and even add your own hero songs to the list if they're not already here. YouTube videos are included with each track, so you can listen to these superhero songs right here on this page.
Most divisive: Waitin' for a Superman
Over 1.6K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of Songs About Heroes