The Best Squirrel Jokes That'll Have You Going Nuts
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The Best Squirrel Jokes That'll Have You Going Nuts

Jack Napier
June 4, 2024 24 items
Voting Rules
Vote up the funniest jokes about squirrels.

Looking for something funny to brighten your day? Seeking a break from our nutty world? Then look no further than some hilarious squirrel jokes to lift your spirits.

Squirrels are one of nature's most adorable creatures. They're graceful. They're cute. And they make for some pretty funny jokes. 

For a good chuckle, here are some of the best squirrel jokes around.

  • 1
    27 votes

    Why don’t squirrels have any friends?

    Because they drive everyone nuts.

  • 2
    20 votes

    What did the squirrel say when his tail got caught in the door?

    “It won’t be long now!”

  • 3
    16 votes

    What’s a squirrel’s favorite game?

    Hide and squeak!

  • 4
    24 votes

    What’s a squirrel’s favorite ballet?

    The Nutcracker.

  • 5
    23 votes

    Have you heard about the new squirrel diet?

    It’s just nuts.

  • 6
    14 votes

    What did the father squirrel tell his family?

    Acorn-y joke.

  • 7
    23 votes

    Why did the squirrel bring a ladder to the library?

    It wanted to check out some tree-mendous books!

  • 8
    10 votes

    What did the squirrel say when it lost its food?

     “Aw, nuts!”

  • 9
    9 votes

    What do you call a squirrel who is in charge of a bank?

    A branch manager.

  • 10
    9 votes

    What kind of stories do squirrels like?


  • 11
    11 votes

    Why did the bank manager ask the police to help him catch a squirrel?

    Because the squirrel was suspected of foraging checks.

  • 12
    3 votes

    What do you call a squirrel that can withstand interrogation?

    A tough nut to crack.

  • 13
    7 votes

    What did the squirrel say when he had to decide whether to stay or jump?

    "I’m really on the fence about this one"

  • 14
    8 votes

    Why did the squirrel pay a dentist one dollar?

    To get buckteeth.

  • 15
    7 votes

    What is a doctor for overweight squirrels called?

    A nut-tritionist.

  • 16
    9 votes

    What did the tree say to the squirrel?

    “Just leaf me alone!”

  • 17
    1 votes

    Which squirrels make the best superheroes?

    Flying squirrels.

  • 18
    2 votes

    What do you call a squirrel that goes to space?

    An astro-nut.

  • 19
    0 votes

    What did the squirrel say to the psychologist?

    I think I’m nuts.

  • 20
    0 votes

    What do you call a squirrel in a church?

    A chip monk.

  • 21
    0 votes

    How are squirrels so good at saving money?

    They squirrel it away.

  • 22
    1 votes

    How did the squirrel impress his date?

    By going out on a limb.

  • 23
    3 votes

    Why are squirrels the best at explaining things?

    They give it to you in a nutshell.

  • 24
    3 votes

    In which class do squirrels learn about their bodies?
