Here's What Everyone Who's Worked With Bill Cosby Has Had To Say About The Allegations Against Him

Jordan Breeding
Updated May 22, 2024 77.9K views 12 items

For decades, Bill Cosby was considered something of a national treasure, and people who worked with him always spoke highly of him. That all changed in 2014 when a Hannibal Buress stand-up routine brought Cosby's numerous sexual abuse allegations into the spotlight. Since then, more than 50 women have come forward accusing Cosby of everything from drug-facilitated rape to child sexual abuse, making him one of the most famous people ever charged with sex crimes.

The legal proceedings around the allegations have so far brought more questions than answers. A mistrial in June 2017 prolonged what many perceived as inevitable: on September 24, 2018, Montgomery County Judge Steven T. O'Neill labeled Cosby as a "sexually violent predator" for drugging and assaulting a woman in his home back in 2004. This means Cosby has to be in counseling for life and be on the sex offenders' registry.

Even though the courts are having difficulty indicting Cosby, do people who worked with him think he is guilty? While the courts cannot automatically exonerate or condemn Cosby based on coworker testimonies, they can give powerful insight into a man who has increasingly become an enigma.