Dark Fan Theories About 'Friends' That Actually Make A Lot Of Sense
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Dark Fan Theories About 'Friends' That Actually Make A Lot Of Sense

Saim Cheeda
Updated April 25, 2024 177.6K views 14 items
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Vote up the most plausible fan theories.

It's a given that there will be a lot of theories circling around Friends, considering the show ran for 10 seasons and has remained popular since its conclusion years ago. Some fans like to take things in a more creepy direction, resulting in dark Friends theories that can even reach macabre lengths. Others tend to place the characters in a different light, with theories suggesting they might be much more sinister characters than the show let on. Here are the theories that, while disturbing, do make a lot of sense in their own ways.

  • 1

    Carol And Susan Plotted Ben's Conception

    From Redditor u/jirouisbestgirl_:

    What if, before Carol divorced Ross, her and Susan talked about kids, and came up with an idea to have Ross impregnate Carol before Carol tells Ross she wants a divorce. The plan works out, and 3 months later (season 1, ep 2), Carol tells Ross.

    Please keep in mind that I have no hatred towards Carol and Susan.

    2,256 votes
  • 2

    Phoebe's Stepfather Killed Her Mother

    Phoebe's Stepfather Killed Her Mother

    From u/jirouisbestgirl_:

    It is mentioned on numerous occasions that Phoebe's stepdad is in prison. But it isn't ever said why. It's said that he went to prison just after Phoebe's mother died and he's still in there by the time Phoebe gets married. What could he have done to spend 17+ years in prison? Drug use would only get him at most 12 years. Murder is a pretty reasonable and likely assumption. Isn't it suspicious that Phoebe's stepfather went to prison right after her mother died??

    In one episode, Phoebe says ,"My mother was killed by a drug dealer!" She then corrects herself after Monica says, "Your mother killed herself," saying, "She was a drug dealer!" Though we don't ever hear much about Phoebe's mother, this is the only time it is mentioned that she was a drug dealer. Is it possible that this was a slip up? 

    It's also possible that their stepather told them that their mother had killed herself. Lying to them in order to protect his image in their eyes.

    1,870 votes
  • 3

    Monica Is A Botched Drug Experiment

    Monica Is A Botched Drug Experiment

    From Redditor u/Theluckygal:

    During flashbacks when Monica was overweight it was never shown that she was obsessed with cleanliness & organizing everything. When Ross and Rachel talk about the past they have mentioned how fat & competitive Monica was but never said anything about her obsession with cleanliness. Maybe at the fat camp she was experimented for a drug that helped her lose weight but it messed up her hormones that resulted in OCD & infertility.

    Adding: In the episodes "The One That Could Have Been 1& 2" where they imagine an alternate reality where Monica is still fat, Joey becomes a star, Rachel marries Barry, etc. there is no instance of fat Monica being obsessed with cleanliness. She seems much happier & relaxed compared to thin Monica.

    1,648 votes
  • 4

    'Friends' Is Based On The Seven Deadly Sins

    'Friends' Is Based On The Seven Deadly Sins

    From a Redditor:

    Starting with Sloth, I associate it to Chandler, being he doesn’t like his job but stays there for 8 years, also being lazy in general. Greed to Rachel being she is introduced as the rich, materialistic girl, and keeping the similar levels of materialism throughout the show like her love for shopping. Wrath to Ross being he has a very short temper, for example being sent on leave at work. Lust to Pheobe being she is always going on dates with different people and often says sexual comments and kinky stuff.

    I know it’s debatable to give it to Joey, but she says a lot more lusty comments than Joey, plus Joey associates with Gluttony about as much if not more than Lust. Gluttony for Joey as I just mentioned, as he is always eating none stop without end, like the time he ate the whole turkey. It is also debatable to give it to Monica, but in the present day she no longer has that sin. Pride for Monica being she hates losing and claims she is the best at everything or alot of things throughout the show.

    Lastly, the sin of Envy. I’ve seen theories giving this sin to Gunther, being he envies Ross, because he secretly loves Rachel.

    1,643 votes
  • 5

    Ross's Parents Brainwashed Him

    Ross's Parents Brainwashed Him

    From Redditor u/theyellowgoat:

    My theory is that Ross' crossdressing may have been a cause for concern for his parents. In order to counteract Ross' habits, his parents give him more attention and somewhat brainwash him to play with G.I. Joes. That's why he's so adamant about Ben needing to play with appropriate gender toys.

    1,415 votes
  • 6

    Phoebe Is A Homeless Person Who Wished She Had The Friends Life

    Phoebe Is A Homeless Person Who Wished She Had The Friends Life

    From a former Redditor:

    Here's how the theory goes-- maybe Pheobe never left the streets, did drugs and begged. Then in 1994, she saw five people at a coffee house and started to think what her life would be if she were friends with them. Well, the theory might seem crazy at first but think about it. Pheobe does not quite fit in the group and says a lot of absurd and awkward things. 

    1,443 votes
  • 7

    Monica And Joey Are Addicts

    Monica And Joey Are Addicts

    From Redditor u/lolalodge:

    Head chefs and sous chefs at high-end restaurants in NYC tend to get paid a lot, like $50-$100 dollars an hour a lot.

    Monica also lives in a rent controlled apartment that she illegally sublets from her dead grandmother, she even has a roommate to share the bills with. She doesn't own an obscene amount of clothes or anything, doesn't go out to bars regularly, so where exactly does her money go?

    Cocaine, which she stashes in the closet by the big windows, which is why when Chandler opens it in the last season, she flips out because she doesn't want him to find her cocaine stash.

    It also explains why Monica is so high energy and high strung.

    As for Joey, Joey pretty much smokes weed all day. That's why he's always hungry, can eat a ton of food and is constantly napping and is kind of spaced out and a lot of what other people say goes "whoosh" right over his head.

    1,753 votes
  • 8

    Phoebe Has A Split Personality

    Phoebe Has A Split Personality

    From Redditor u/potentialPizza:

    There are two Phoebes. The first one is the weird, silly girl who's a bit superstitious and tends to misunderstand things, but you're not sure if she really misunderstood it or if she's just messing with you. The second one is just mean, especially to Chandler and Ross. The first one is certainly more common early in the series than later, but she still appears even though the second one starts to take over.

    1,283 votes
  • 9

    Rachel Lied To Ross About Being Emma's Father

    From Redditor u/halfbloodprince07:

    Ross wasn't the father of Emma. It was someone else that used to date (maybe hookup with) Rachel. The most probable candidate was Tag. Remember how Rachel was silent at first when Phoebe discovered the pregnancy test and believed it was Monica's?

    On one hand there was Tag, who's way younger than Rachel, a person from her workplace, handsome and dreamy but without any possible future with. It's highly unlikely he'd accept the child as his own, let alone help her raise the child.

    On the other hand, there's Ross. Another ex-boyfriend, annoying and a bit selfish and short-tempered. But, Ross was already a father (to Ben), was financially stable, and already a very close friend of Rachel. And he'd accept the child without hesitation as he was a family man after all. The rest of the gang would be thrilled to have Ross as the father of the child, but I doubt they'd welcome Tag in a similar manner.

    So I think Rachel decided to go with the flow and let others believe that Ross' was the father, not Tag.

    1,617 votes
  • 10

    Phoebe And Ursula Switched Places To Manipulate The Friends

    Phoebe And Ursula Switched Places To Manipulate The Friends

    From Redditor u/swifmatives:

    A crazy conspiracy theory. Some time around season 6 or 7, Phoebe and Ursula switch places and the writers waited to see who would notice. No one did, so they'll keep the secret with them to the grave.

    1,187 votes
  • 11

    The Series Was Rachel's Hallucination Due To Anxiety

    The Series Was Rachel's Hallucination Due To Anxiety

    From Redditor u/Sharkn91:

    There’s a theory about Rachel having An anxiety induced fever dream of everything the night before her wedding with Barry

    1,143 votes
  • 12

    The Friends Are Actually In An Asylum

    The Friends Are Actually In An Asylum

    From Redditor u/arkrabbit713:

    They're really being treated at a psychiatric ward for their varying personality disorders. The reasoning went that they spent most of their time in two places, either the coffee shop (which caters to their every need) or somebody's apartment. The two places represent both their respective rooms and the cafeteria/food hall. In addition, every time an outside love interest would come into the group, they would immediately try to squash the romance if it threatened to tear one of them away. This was supposed to be symbolic for an outside source trying to take one of the patients (i.e. one of the "Friends") out of the mental hospital.

    1,242 votes
  • 13

    Everything Has Been Faked So The Psychiatrist Can Observe Monica

    Everything Has Been Faked So The Psychiatrist Can Observe Monica

    From Redditor u/themaster:

    Monica from Friends is mentally ill, explaining her extreme personality, attitude, and irrational obsession over things. Everything in the show is a setup to take care of the mentally ill Monica, including how they always hangout at Monica's apartment (aside from the coffee house), obviously to watch over her. I believe that Gunther is her psychiatrist, always slipping her medication through her coffee, explaining why the coffee house is their 2nd "hangout place."

    Ross transferred to a new, closer apartment so he could watch over his sister, even just by looking at the window.

    She was never actually a chef, all the people at Alessandro's and eventually, Javu's are paid actors and actresses by Ross to keep her sister busy whenever he has to go to the university.

    She was never actually married to Chandler because he is really married to Phoebe (Phoebe's subtle jealous with Monica, explaining her desperate attempts to separate the couple by implying that Chandler has always been a gay). Their marriage was just a show obviously (also Phoebe and Mike's), that's why both marriages, are ministered by their actor friend Joey.

    Everything is a big setup, including her new room mate (her old and only friend, Rachel). Phoebe can't tolerate Monica anymore that's why she left, so she needed a new "roommate" to take care of her.

    1,234 votes
  • 14

    Everything Is A Simulation Of The Past

    From Redditor u/damn_jexy:

    The show is actually take place in the year 2030 where all the characters already dead, but science was able to download their thoughts into a computer and they're just a bunch of simulations.

    1,002 votes