The Best Norm Macdonald Jokes

Jack Napier
Updated September 1, 2022 137.3K views 26 items
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Here are the best Norm Macdonald jokes of all-time, ranked by comedy fans everywhere. Norm Macdonald's stand-up may be an acquired taste, but once you get into it, you cannot get enough. You only need to watch one of his stand-up specials to realize he has a proclivity for discussing some of the darkest aspects of humanity in his set. But that doesn't stop it from being downright hilarious. It is easy to see why so many consider him to be a "comedian's comedian." If you have never heard any of these before, then get ready to laugh your butt off. 

Norm Macdonald got his start on Saturday Night Live, but he really became a household name when he took the reigns of Weekend Update. As the anchor, he had no problem telling it like it was, which didn't necessarily earn him any friends from the censorship department. Since then, he's gone on to star in films like Dr. Dolittle, Billy Madison, and Dirty Work. There are truly no other stand-up comedians like him, which can make it tough to find the funniest Norm Macdonald joke ever. From funny one-liners to anti-jokes, here are some of Norm Macdonald's best jokes. 

  • The Moth Joke
    1,330 votes

    The Moth Joke

    A moth goes into a podiatrist’s office, and the podiatrist’s office says, “What's the problem?"

    The moth says “What’s the problem? Where do I begin, man? I go to work for Gregory Illinivich, and all day long I work. Honestly doc, I don’t even know what I’m doing anymore. I don’t even know if Gregory Illinivich knows. He only knows that he has power over me, and that seems to bring him happiness. But I don’t know, I wake up in a malaise, and I walk here and there.

    The podiatrist says, "Oh yeah?"

    And the moth goes, "Yes. At night, sometimes wake up and I turn to some old lady in my bed that’s on my arm. A lady that I once loved, doc. I don’t know where to turn to. My youngest, Alexendria, she fell in the…in the cold of last year. The cold took her down, as it did many of us. And my other boy, and this is the hardest pill to swallow, doc. My other boy, Gregarro Ivinalititavitch… I no longer love him. As much as it pains me to say, when I look in his eyes, all I see is the same cowardice that I… that I catch when I take a glimpse of my own face in the mirror. If only I wasn’t such a coward, then perhaps…perhaps I could bring myself to reach over to that cocked and loaded gun that lays on the bedside behind me and end this hellish facade once and for all. Doc, sometimes I feel like a spider, even though I’m a moth, just barely hanging on to my web with an everlasting fire underneath me. I’m not feeling good."

    And so the doctor says, “Moth, man, you’re troubled. But you should be seeing a psychiatrist. Why on earth did you come here?”

    And the moth says, “‘Cause the light was on.”

  • Michael Jackson
    1,120 votes

    Michael Jackson

    Many people are skeptical about marriage of Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley. They say, Lisa Marie is more of a sit-at-home type, while Michael Jackson is more of a homosexual pedophile.

  • 3
    1,157 votes

    His Parents

    I once walked in on my parents having sex. It was the most embarrassing thirty minutes of my life.

  • Homosexuals
    906 votes


    They say that if you're afraid of homosexuals, it means that deep down inside you're actually a homosexual yourself. That worries me because I'm afraid of dogs.

  • 5
    913 votes


    You know, with Hitler, the more I learn about that guy, the more I don't care for him.

  • Mozart
    748 votes


    When Mozart would sit down and compose a new piano concerto, he’d first pause, close his eyes, and say to himself, "I better make this as hard as f*ck to play."

  • 7
    497 votes


    And the reason I don't like it is 'cause in the old days, they'd go, "Hey, that old man died." Now, they go, "Hey, he lost his battle." That's no way to end your life, you know? What a loser that guy was. Last thing he did was lose.

  • Hypnotist
    454 votes


    I went to a hypnotist. He put me under a spell, and every time I had a craving for a cigarette, I would throw up. It's very embarrassing right after sex. I find it pretty hard to get that second date after that. Girls get all snobby after you barf on them.

  • 9
    570 votes

    A Disease

    He has the disease of alcoholism. And he came to me and he told me, and I'm the kind of guy that likes to look at the bright side of things. So I told him, I said, "Richie, it's true that you have a disease and everything, but I think you got the best one."

  • 10
    631 votes


    My wife dresses up like a nurse; then, I dress up like a nurse, also. And then, we don't even have sex, either. We just sit behind this huge, semicircular wooden desk and get annoyed when people buzz us for juice.

  • 11
    487 votes

    TV Violence

    All kinds of violence on the TV. You're not supposed to watch violence on the TV. Children, they can't watch it 'cause they're afraid maybe the kids will copy something they see on the TV. I can't even get a funny cartoon anymore because some 12-year-old somewhere watched a particularly violent episode of the Road Runner-Coyote show, and the next day, they found him at the bottom of a canyon, two giant springs strapped to his feet.

  • Hit by a Truck
    431 votes

    Hit by a Truck

    I don’t do much. I’m too lazy. That’s my problem. Hang around my couch, watching the TV. Just too lazy. I realized this the other day, I get hit my a truck tomorrow - a big truck could hit me - paralyze me from the neck down. Wouldn’t affect my lifestyle a bit really.

  • Sports
    360 votes


    I don’t care for sex. I find it an embarrassing, dull exercise. I prefer sports, where you can win.

  • Gay Pride Parade
    475 votes

    Gay Pride Parade

    I just got back from New York. You ever been there? There was a big gay parade going on there when I was there, and I never been to one of them, and I like a parade. I always like a parade. So, I go there, and it turns out, it's just a bunch of gay guys.

  • 15
    368 votes


    Comedy is surprises, so if you're intending to make somebody laugh and they don’t laugh, that’s funny.

  • Lie
    427 votes


    You ever lie for no reason at all? Just all of sudden, a big lie spills out of your evil head. Like a guy will come up to you, "Hey, did you ever see that movie with Meryl Streep and a horse?" And you go, "Yes." In the back of your head, you're like, "What in the hell am I lying about over here? I stand to gain nothing by this lie."

  • Alcoholic
    486 votes


    They're like ''You're an alcoholic.'' I go ''No, I'm not.'' And then apparently that's what alcoholics say too, you know?

  • Gambling
    50 votes


    They call gambling a disease, but it's the only disease where you can win a bunch of money.

  • Checkers
    547 votes


    Chess players think checker players are dumb. But I love playing checkers. Plus, the red ones are tasty.

  • Steampunk
    452 votes


    I wouldn't call myself a fan of Steampunk. But I will say, it's the healthiest way to prepare punk.

  • Fancy Things
    393 votes

    Fancy Things

    I don’t want fancy things. I don’t want fancy, smancy things. I don’t even want fancy, smancy, wancy things. What I want is to waste your time.

  • 22
    237 votes

    A New Position

    Sex couldn't be simpler. I think there's only like five things you can do in the whole f*cking thing. You ever think you invented a sixth? Then later you go, "Ah, in all humility, I guess that was pretty close to number five."

  • Werewolf
    249 votes


    This is the amount of time you think about sex: every once in a while. The problem becomes, when you think about it, it's all you can think about. It encompasses your whole brain. You're like a f*cking werewolf or something. Usually you're a civilized human being, but then every couple of days, you're like "Arrrgh." Then you've got to close the blinds.

  • Broadway
    336 votes


    I'm not gay, so I don't know much about Broadway musicals.

  • Engagement Rings
    281 votes

    Engagement Rings

    Man, them engagement rings, boy, they cost a lot. I was looking at 'em. Cost like a thousand bucks, two thousand bucks, y'know. Three thousand bucks. Something like that, four thousand bucks. Big number divisible by a thousand, anyways.

  • The Perfect Joke
    299 votes

    The Perfect Joke

    The perfect joke would be where the setup and punch line were identical.