Small Continuity Details From 'Futurama' That Fans Noticed

Jonathan H. Kantor
December 8, 2020 61.8K views 12 items
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Futurama, which first aired in 1999, has become one of the most popular animated series of all time. That's despite the fact that it was canceled by Fox. Fans didn't stop trying to get it back, which led to four new movies and three additional seasons. The show, which moved to Comedy Central, ended in 2013.

Many fans have watched the episodes numerous times, and some have noticed small continuity details linking one episode to another. After all, the show is all about linking the 20th century to the 30th, and the writers of Futurama dropped hints and allusions throughout the series. This list includes some of the more interesting continuity details about the show that some of the more scrutinizing fans noticed. 

  • 1

    A Funny Comment Made By Fry Came Back Around 46 Episodes Later

    Redditor u/writeprompter potted one of Fry's girlfriends he referenced seasons before in a throwaway comment:

    Fry's girlfriends.

    I'm going to jump on your top comment in hopes that maybe someone will actually see this. But in addition to this being continuity, it's also foreshadowing. Leela says that it was just a radiator, so how could it show up at Fry's funeral? Because it's all a fever dream inside Leela's coma.

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  • 2

    Nibbler First Appeared In The Pilot Episode

    Even if you saw it in the pilot, you wouldn't have recognized Nibbler, but fans like u/CantStandIdoits made the connection far earlier than most:

    Nibbler's shadow appears in Futurama S1E1 "Space Pilot 3000." This foreshadows the season 4 episode "The Why of Fry" in which it is revealed Nibbler is the reason why Fry was frozen.

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  • 3

    Fry And Leela's Cart From Season One Returned In Season Ten

    Redditor u/DiirtySquirrel spotted something familiar in the lunar dust:

    Abandoned amusement park cart on the Moon.

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  • 4

    Bender's Ability To Literally S**t Bricks Was Explained After Ten Seasons

    Redditor u/Akashic101 noticed a familiar shape hidden beneath Bender's butt-plate in the final season that referred to a scene in the pilot episode:

    Bender is still able to s**t bricks, even after 10 seasons.

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  • 5

    An Old Man's Quest Through The Bureaucracy

    Redditor u/KevlarYarmulke noticed a familiar face in the sixth season that referred bac to the second season.

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  • 6

    Bender's Vandalism Doesn't Disappear

    Redditor u/LongtimeLurkersacc spotted a familiar face in some graffiti long after Bender applied it.

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  • 7

    The Professor's Old Crew From The Pilot Returned In Season Four

    Redditor u/DabuSurvivor noticed a throwaway gag from the pilot episode returned in season four:

    What happened to your old crew?

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  • 8

    Leela's Mutant DNA Was Hinted At Before It Was Revealed

    Redditor u/MightyThor211 was clearly paying attention to the events that revealed Leela's true nature:

    In the episode where Bender spills all the dark matter on Pluto then pretends to be a penguin was an early sign that Lela was human. The episode takes place long before the mutant stuff comes in. After Bender is shot in the head and resets the first thing he sees is Lela. His programming says she's human and reloads all his human programming.

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  • 9

    The New Name Of Uranus Returned After Six Seasons

    Redditor u/sonicwonic noticed a familiar name that replaced Uranus in season one:

    Futurama planet reference over 6 seasons.

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  • 10

    Bender's Dream Of Being A Folk Singer Had Some Callbacks Later In The Series

    Redditor u/thesushipanda picked up on Bender's dream that Fry forgot later in the series:

    In the 2nd episode of Futurama, Bender sadly mentions that a robot would have to be crazy to want to be a folk singer, implying that he wants to be one. In the final season, Bender is offended that Fry has forgotten about his dream and is shown finally pursuing it.

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  • 11

    Leela's Parents Popped Up Two Seasons Before They Were Introduced

    Redditor u/vektonaut noticed Leela's parents in a scene that came two seasons before they were revealed:

    Leela's parents can be seen in a crowd of mutants a full 2 seasons before their official reveal.

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  • 12

    It's Clear That Fry Never Took Shop In High School

    Fry's not the sharpest tool in the shed, and as Redditor u/writeprompter pointed out, he probably doesn't know much about tools at all:

    Fry lost who wants to be a millionaire by answering "B nail final answer" before other answers were revealed. Then can be seen hammering a nail with a nail later on.

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