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There's only one way to let people know that you're a Planet Express delivery boy, and that's with this PE decal. Just remember: You're expendable, the package is not.
What Else You Might Want: Double down on your Planet Express decals with this sticker of the actual ship.
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Who doesn't want to hang out with a shiny, wind-up metal bot? This toy is a really fun collectible that taps into your latent desire to wind things.
What Else You Might Want: If you don't have enough wind-up toys, pick up the Gender Bender one.
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Do you have a lot of loose change? Do you need to keep it somewhere safe while scaring people into thinking they might be hypnotized? Then you need a Hypnotoad coin bank, baby!
What Else You Might Want: Go full Hypnotoad and pick up this Hypnotoad vinyl decal. Hypnotoad commands it.
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The next time you need to pass some time on a rainy day, bust out these playing cards emblazoned with Futurama characters! It'll definitely wow your friends. Or if you're playing solitaire, wow yourself!
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Everyone needs an ugly sweater featuring the scariest man in the Futurama universe: Santa (and his robot-reindeer). Wear this baby to your grandma's house and have fun explaining it to her.
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Futurama Conquers the Universe is one of the best anthology collections of the Bongo Futurama comics, and it's a wonderful jumping off point for anyone wondering where to get into the written world of Futurama.
What Else You Might Want: After you conquer Futurama Conquers the Universe, pick up a copy of the Time Bender Trilogy.
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The Funko Pop series of Futurama action figures has some of the cutest figures on the market. This Bender doll comes with a bottle of beer to keep himself lubricated, and boy does he look mad.
What Else You Might Want: Of course you have to team Bender up with Fry. It just feels right.
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If you're like us, you love using a koozie to drink your favorite canned beverage (adult or otherwise). This foam Slurm koozie fits any 12 oz. can, and you can probably fit a tallboy in there too.
What Else You Might Want: Freak everyone out by crossing the timeline when you pack your Slurm koozie with a can of Duff.
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Sick of entertaining guests? If you had this Futurama Yahtzee set, you'd never have to talk about real life again. And you get to yell "YAHTZEE!"
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The Zapp Brannigan space gun is one of the cooler products that exists online. It has the whizbang design of '50s golden age sci-fi, and it lets everyone know that you're on board with the Milky Way's #1 ladies' man.
What Else You Might Want: Pair this toy with a Zap Brannigan action figure. The ladies are going to love it.
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