26 Photos Capturing Bizarre Moments In Science Throughout History
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When absorbing it through a textbook, history can be a bit dry. Sometimes a little visual kick makes all the difference, bringing historical elements to life that would otherwise be constrained to text. The photos here commemorate a wide rang of historic moments, from space exploration to the excavation of ancient artifacts with huge significance. Scrolling past each one, you not only learn some fun new facts, you also get the chance to see them in action.
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1896: The First X-Ray
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1962: A Pilot Ejects Himself From A Prototype
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1956: An Animal Being Used In Therapy
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1948: Boy Watches TV For The First Time
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1919: A Welder Using Prosthetics
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1928: Sir Alexander Fleming Discovers Penicillin
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1910: An Early Diving Suit
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1964: Neil Armstrong And David Scott In Their Gemini 8 Capsule
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1890: Phone Lines In Stockholm
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1913: Examining King Tut's Sarcophagus
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1954: The Only Known Survivor Of A Meteor Strike
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1963: Testing A Plane's Ejection Systems
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1963: A Navigation Hotline
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- flickr
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Pre-1935: Acoustic Location, The Original Radar
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1781: William Herschel Discovers Uranus
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1980: The Space Invaders Championships
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1969: Apollo 11 Astronauts In Mexico
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"Alexander Graham Bell" Is Not His Real Name
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1950: Children In The Iron Lung
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1967: Canada's Official Landing Welcome Site
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1939: A Lie Detector For Kissing
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- flickr
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1967: The Remains Of A Cosmonaut Who Fell From Space
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1982: Time Magazine Awards "Person Of The Year" To A Computer
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1970: A Leak From An Atomic Test
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1975: Thomas Harvey Reveals Einstein's Brain
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1862: Electric Shocks Administered In An Experiment
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