Monarchs Who Walked Away From The Crown And Why

Jim Rowley
Updated September 13, 2022 9 items
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If you know anything about the histories of the world's various monarchies, you know that traditionally there's only one way to leave the job: being carried out feet first. The lucky ones go by natural causes, a few meet their end in battle, and many more succumb to the assassin's blade (or whatever device is current at the time). Hereditary monarchies usually operate on a lifelong basis, but occasionally, ruling kings and queens have stepped away from the throne voluntarily.

This can happen for a number of reasons. Being the head of state and, depending on the country, the head of the church and the nation is a taxing job, full of onerous duties that the average person might not wish to put up with. As understandable as an unforced abdication might be, it's still a surprising and sometimes even scandalous turn of events. And by definition, it's never a private choice, because the fates of millions can hang on a change of regimes.

Here are the stories of some monarchs who walked away from the throne, and why they gave it all up.