The Most Popular Songs In The World Right Now

Ranker Music
Updated January 17, 2025 63.9K views 16 items
Ranked By
20.6K votes
4.2K voters
Voting Rules
Vote up the recent songs you've been hearing everywhere.

If you're wondering what kind of music THE WHOLE WORLD is listening to, here are the most popular songs in the world right now (yes, Americans, it's not all about you). In addition to Anglo faves, this list includes trending Latin pop music, hip hop, and K-pop, among other pop genres. What is the most famous song right now - in the whole wide world, not just in your area or your native language? 

Vote up your favorite popular songs of 2021, and vote down the ones that don't deserve to be trending currently. Feel free to add any viral hits missing from the list, as long as they are current.