The 80+ Best Wildlife Shows on TV

Ranker TV
Updated January 24, 2025 101.5K views 105 items
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3.9K votes
767 voters
1 reranks
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Vote up the best shows that show off and share the wonders of nature.
Latest additions: Planet Earth: Asia, The Secret Lives of Animals, Wildlife Rescue Australia
Most divisive: The Really Wild Show
Over 700 Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The 80+ Best Wildlife Shows on TV

Experience the excitement of our breathtaking planet from the comfort of your home with our meticulously curated list of notable nature shows. Comprising influential titles known for their stunning visuals, ecological awareness, and scientific authenticity, our tailored assortment serves as your gateway to the vast expanse of Earth's most awe-inspiring landscapes and majestic creatures.

Explore captivating chronicles of our planet's complex dynamics, as covered in entrancing documentaries like Planet Earth and Blue Planet II. Each selection on our list is complemented with viewer ratings and detailed summaries, providing you with a glimpse into what each nature series offers. Our extensive assortment is ideal for both the environmentally conscious spectator seeking knowledge and local wildlife enthusiasts looking for captivating visual content.

Leveraging popular opinions, our list includes high-ranking titles that not only engage but also educate the audience about the world in which we live. By engaging with the community through reader votes, the listing becomes a dynamic resource and a testament to the collective voice of nature enthusiasts, providing a unique perspective on which series truly brings Mother Nature to life on the screen.

For your viewing convenience, each entry on our compilation features streaming buttons, directing you quickly to where you can immerse yourself in these breathtaking tales of life on Earth. From Netflix's Our Planet to BBC iPlayer's Blue Planet II to Hulu's Night on Earth, rest assured each platform offers an unmatched ticket into the world's most dramatic natural spectacles.

Whether your passion lies in understanding the complex ecosystems beneath our oceans, marveling at the intricate behavior patterns of the animal kingdom or learning about the urgency of preserving our environment, our list is an all-encompassing guide, seamlessly bridging the gap between our planet's true marvels and your living room.

Embark on an unprecedented journey into the natural world, navigating through our detailed list that guides your adventure, considerate of your interests, curiosity and thirst for knowledge - all packaged together in the most captivating nature shows that will undoubtedly leave you fascinated. Don't just watch, connect, engage, and explore through our compelling range of nature series.