All The Signs You're Dating A Basic B*tch

Michael Grimes
Updated October 19, 2023 68.4K views 45 items
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What is a basic b*tch? They're those peppy, cute, and pretty much mindless trend followers who don't seem to have an original thought in their heads. Sure, they can be fun to hang around with, but if you're not interested in a girl who obsesses over brunch and constantly brags about yoga, you may not want a basic b*tch girlfriend.

There are several ways you can spot a basic b*tch once you know the signs. Whether she's in her natural habitat at the local Starbucks (ordering a non-fat pumpkin spice latte, of course), running errands in her standard leggings/Uggs/sweatshirt get up, posting gym selfies with the hashtag #thinspiration, or uttering her catchphrase, "I literally can't even right now," the signals are loud and clear.

But which is worse: Her abuse of "inspirational" Marilyn Monroe quotes or her overly-used #blessed hashtag? It's up to you to answer that cringe-worthy question. Check out the top signs that you're dating a basic white girl, and vote up the most egregious acts of basic b*tchiness. Or in the words of her people: Keep calm and vote on!

  • 1
    1,304 votes

    She abuses the word "literally"

    "I literally can't even right now."
  • 2
    1,397 votes

    She loves Starbucks, especially pumpkin spice lattes

    And takes pride in ordering drinks off of the "secret menu."
  • 3
    1,272 votes

    Her casual look is leggings with Uggs and a sweatshirt

  • 4
    1,234 votes

    She can tell you about the latest celebrity gossip, but has no clue what's happening in the news

    "Who's Kim Jong Un? Anyway, Kourtney and Scott are totes having, like, major issues again..."
  • 5
    1,161 votes

    She can communicate entirely in emojis

    You're honestly torn between bewilderment and admiration.
  • 6
    1,093 votes

    When drunk, she turns into a "woo girl"

    She can't stop yelling it.
  • 7
    1,105 votes

    She refers to her group of friends as "b*tches"

  • 8
    1,058 votes

    She uses words like "totes," "sesh," "amaze," "delish," and "OMG" regularly

    "OMG, we had a hot make out sesh last night. It was totes amaze ."
  • 9
    1,002 votes

    She always goes as a sexy version of something for Halloween

    Sexy nurse, sexy vampire, sexy inmate, even a sexy shaman... nothing is sacred.
  • 10
    1,019 votes

    Whenever something upsetting happens, she's quick to say, "everything happens for a reason."

  • 11
    911 votes

    She totes can't control herself at Sephora

    Don't even ask how much lip gloss she owns.
  • 12
    990 votes

    She takes horoscopes seriously

    ... and knows your relationship strengths and weaknesses, according to your signs.
  • 13
    829 votes

    She's obsessed with brunch

    Nearly half of her Instagram consists of filtered brunch pictures. #brunchgoals #bottomlessmimosas
  • 14
    801 votes

    She has inspirational quotes EVERYWHERE

    You're pretty sure she'd wither and die without the constant fuel of misattributed Buddha and Gandhi quotes.
  • 15
    814 votes

    Her standard fall outfit consists of boots, denim jeans, and a puffy vest

    Popularly dubbed "the Han Solo."
  • 16
    798 votes

    She's into yoga and meditation - or at least she claims to be

    She claims yoga is "sooooo relaxing," yet her yoga mat is collecting dust in her closet.
  • 17
    883 votes

    She says she's "outraged" and "so offended" whenever she has a disagreement

    Don't bother trying to make intelligent arguments... She'll block your attempts with the equivalent of putting her hands over her ears and going, "nah nah nah, I can't hear you!"
  • 18
    768 votes

    Her fashion icons are reality stars

    "Khloe Kardashian's eyebrows are on fleek."
  • 19
    883 votes

    She owns a "Live Laugh Love" sign

  • 20
    897 votes

    She regularly gets spray tanned or applies self-tanner

  • 21
    883 votes

    She does most of her shopping at Abercrombie, Hollister, and Victoria's Secret

    And will all but sprint to the mall at the first sign of a sale.
  • 22
    926 votes

    She owns several pairs of sweatpants with "PINK" embossed across the butt

  • 23
    796 votes

    She constantly posts sunset pictures and hashtags them #blessed

    The occasional sunset pic is fine, but a constant stream of them with the #blessed hashtag? You've definitely spotted a basic b*tch.

  • 24
    803 votes

    She thinks she can speak Spanish

    But she really only knows how to order more margaritas. 
  • 25
    751 votes

    She has a hashtag for EVERYTHING

    I dare you to find an Instagram picture without one. The limit does not exist.
  • 26
    761 votes

    She regularly posts workout selfies

    And hashtags them #fitspo, #thinspiration, and #fitisbeautiful
  • 27
    790 votes

    She's a sucker for celebrity endorsements

    "Beyonce uses it, so I'm buying it," she says as you roll your eyes.
  • 28
    726 votes

    She only dates basic bros

    You know, the kind who have more brawn than brains, and are constantly throwing frat parties, bragging about doing keg stands, revving their car engines at stoplights, and peeling out of parking lots in an attempt to impress chicks.
  • 29
    747 votes

    She loves SkinnyGirl drinks

    ...and brags about how many calories she's saving.
  • 30
    681 votes

    She owns at least one Nicolas Sparks book

    And it's likely The Notebook or A Walk to Remember, which she bought after crying though one (or both) of those movies.
  • 31
    716 votes

    She always requests the dressing on the side

    And sends the food back if it isn't.
  • 32
    783 votes

    She watches ALL of the "Real Housewives" Shows

    Bravo TV is basically her Bible.
  • 33
    801 votes

    She refers to "Sex and the City" characters when describing life events and people

    "I was sooo Samantha last night -- I can't believe I did that!"
  • 34
    793 votes

    She has Pintrest boards full of engagement rings

    No pressure.
  • 35
    657 votes

    Her favorite movie is "The Notebook"

    And she can quote almost all of it. "If you're a bird, I'm a bird."
  • 36
    843 votes

    She's purchased a Kardashian app

    And frequently goes over her data plan using it.
  • 37
    731 votes

    She never gets sick of "Hey Girl" memes

    Anything with Ryan Gosling is totes amaze.
  • 38
    696 votes

    She wears glasses with faux frames and calls herself ~quirky~

    Jess Day from New Girl is totes her spirit animal.
  • 39
    648 votes

    She thinks a flash-mob proposal is the sweetest thing

    Especially if it's set to a One Direction song.
  • 40
    746 votes

    She takes frequent trips to Vegas with her girls

    Her Instagram blows up with drunken selfies and everything is hashtagged #whathappensinvegas. 
  • 41
    627 votes

    Kate Middleton is ultimate #goals

    You can't walk past a magazine with Kate on the cover without her grabbing it.
  • 42
    652 votes

    She loves "Keep Calm and ___" mugs

    Or posters, or clothing, or tote bags, or tumblers, or...
  • 43
    644 votes

    She has an Eiffel Tower or "Breakfast at Tiffany's" poster

  • 44
    658 votes

    She knows that Marilyn Monroe quote by heart

    You know the one: "I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."
  • 45
    661 votes

    She spends at least $25 a week on frozen yogurt

    It's fro yo time, b*tches!