The Best True Crime TV Shows

Ranker TV
Updated February 5, 2025 720.4K views 389 items
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37.5K votes
8.4K voters
3 reranks
Voting Rules
Vote up your favorite shows that follow and investigate true crimes.
Latest additions: Wicked Game: Devil in the Desert, Burden of Guilt, American Manhunt: O.J. Simpson
Most divisive: Secrets of the Chippendales Murders
Over 8.4K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Best True Crime TV Shows

These are very best true crime shows on television, ranked from best to worst. This list of the greatest true crime shows also includes pictures from the shows, when available. Popular true crime TV shows have been a staple of television for years, so there's often debate about what the most entertaining true crime shows of all time are. Don't let your favorite true crime television programs in history fall to the bottom of the list - be sure to vote them up so they have the chance to reach the top. The list of true crime television series below includes information like the program's cast and premiere date, when available.

What are some good true crime TV shows? Examples include Disappeared and Snapped, among other real crime shows that pair docudrama with thorough investigation, or use their format as true crime miniseries to dive deep into a story. What is the best true crime show of all time? If you've caught any new true crime shows, you know which ones you like and probably have a quick answer when someone asks you, "What are the greatest true crime shows?" You're well aware that these are the best real life crime shows ever.

True crime series are incredibly engaging and arguably some of the best shows on TV. Vote up the true crime TV shows you think are the best and rerank to see how your favorites stack up against the rest.