The Most Australian Things That Have Ever Happened

Ashley Reign
27.8K views 30 items
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2.7K votes
402 voters
Voting Rules
Vote up the most stereotypical Australian photos

Are you an Aussie who finds yourself constantly having to warn your American friends that your head may or may not explode if they ask you one more time to regale them with your childhood adventures amid packs of kindly kangaroos? Or perhaps you're a non-Aussie who has always wondered what a trip to the outback might actually entail? Well, either way list of extremely Australian photos has you covered. These are, without a doubt, some of the most Aussie things you'll ever see.

If you’re knowledge of the Outback consists of little more than stereotypes involving huge amounts of Foster’s beer and shrimp being placed on a barbie, then why don't you look at these things and educate yourself a little bit on what truly are the most Australian things ever. 

So, grab a couple bevvies and maybe even a mud cake for good measure and take this magical journey to Australia... without the 47 hour flight.
  • 1

    This Brilliant Spin-Off Waiting to Happen

    Just when you thought it was safe to step outside...
    114 votes
    Agree or disagree?
  • 2

    This Well Mannered Young Man

    Care for a bevvie, bronze?
    95 votes
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  • 3

    This Festive Holiday Snowman

    "Yay! A snow day!"- No Australian Ever
    76 votes
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  • 4

    This Time Honored Right of Passage

    "You're ridgy didge now, mate!" -Native Australian to a recently initiated burnee
    104 votes
    Agree or disagree?
  • 5

    This Bloke Who Insists He's Just Watching This Goat 'Til His Mate Gets Back

    "No drama here, officers. She'll be all apples as soon as my mate gets back from.....uh....the goat food store?"
    57 votes
    Agree or disagree?
  • 6

    This Disturber of the Peace

    A few too many pints
    81 votes
    Agree or disagree?
  • 7

    This Epic Selfie

    "Rack Off, Moron!"
    69 votes
    Agree or disagree?
  • 8

    This Fantastically Tipsy Snake

    "Join me for another Tinny, mate?"
    69 votes
    Agree or disagree?
  • 9

    Australian Mechanic Problems

    "Eh, well thanks for givin' her a fair crack o' the whip." 
    62 votes
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  • 10

    This Can of 'Start Ya' Bastard' Engine Starter

    This Can of 'Start Ya' Bastard' Engine Starter
    • Photo:
    "Start Ya' Bastard: When Ya' Need that Bastard to Start."
    73 votes
    Agree or disagree?
  • 11

    This Annoyingly Understandable Delay

    This Annoyingly Understandable Delay
    "Good onya for your patience, mate." - This Culture Seeking Snake
    78 votes
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  • 12

    Just When You Thought You Were Safe

    Just When You Thought You Were Safe
    • Photo:
    No concept of personal space snake does not care.
    89 votes
    Agree or disagree?
  • 13

    This Celebration of Native Wildlife

    60 votes
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  • 14

    This Iconic Australian Hero

    Priorities. Nailing it. 
    77 votes
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  • 15

    This Consistently Noisy Neighbor

    "I've got a full evening of songs planned or ya!"
    76 votes
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  • 16

    Those Pesky Unexpected Surfing Struggles

    Those Pesky Unexpected Surfing Struggles
    • Photo:
    Those annoying moments when a shark decides to play sillybuggers.
    64 votes
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  • 17

    This Special Australia Day Edition Diapers

    "Why not have the most patriotic little carpet grub on the block?"
    51 votes
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  • 18

    This Typical Australian Drinking Game

    "... You don't honk... We drink anyway!"
    71 votes
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  • 19

    This Typical Australian Landscape

    Australia: One big deadly game of "when you see it" waiting to go terribly wrong
    70 votes
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  • 20

    This Rogue Outlaw's Mudshot

    This Rogue Outlaw's Mudshot
    • Photo:
    The Meat Pie Mugger's reign of terror continues unchecked.
    80 votes
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  • 21

    This Adorable Garden Snake

    "Say, Mate. Could you point me in the direction of the Bottle-O?" - This Snake
    59 votes
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  • 22

    This Bloke's Adorable Valentine

    If that isn't a ripper of a declaration of love...
    83 votes
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  • 23

    This High School Sign

    Cheers, m8.
    68 votes
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  • 24

    This Unexpected Visit From an Old Friend

    Just when you thought it was safe to venture into the shadows....
    75 votes
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  • 25

    This Vending Machine

    One stop shopping for your year-round footwear needs. 
    64 votes
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  • 26

    This Australian Delicacy

    The party don't start 'til the mud cake walks in.
    63 votes
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  • 27

    This Happy, Healthy Giraffe Who Encourages You to Follow in His Footsteps

    This Happy, Healthy Giraffe Who Encourages You to Follow in His Footsteps
    Those horrible moments when you see his face and imagine his disappointment if he should ever see you now. 
    53 votes
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  • 28

    This May the 4th Speed Stop That'd Kinda Be Worth the Ticket

    This May the 4th Speed Stop That'd Kinda Be Worth the Ticket
    The fourth is strong with the Australian Police Force.
    46 votes
    Agree or disagree?
  • 29

    This Typical Tuesday Grocery Run

    When you only have room for the bare essentials.
    44 votes
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  • 30

    This Australian Pun That Couldn't Resist Happening

    This Australian Pun That Couldn't Resist Happening
    • Photo:
    Way hotter than the American version both figuratively and literally. 
    54 votes
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