Because a brave woman will choose LIFE, our family will grow by one sweet baby, hopefully in the next couple of months. Our future birth mother is selflessly choosing to carry this baby, despite that the world may tell her the baby is unwanted, and courageously choose adoption over abortion. More than ever, mine and Jon's hearts have been stirred towards speak out about our belief that God created each human life distinctly in His image and that life starts at conception. We recently learned from Save The Storks that 84% of post abortive moms thought abortion was their only choice. That breaks my heart but you know what? There is no condemnation in Christ and these women do not have to stay in the bondage of shame and guilt for their pasts. They can instead walk free in the redemption because of the blood of Jesus. This is where Save The Storks comes in. Save The Storks is an apolitical pro life ministry that partners with pregnancy resource centers all over the nation to provide tools and training so they can more effectively reach and serve abortion-minded expectant mamas. They own 22 beautiful state of the art buses (with 18 under contract currently!) that go to expectant women to provide them medical care/testing, counseling, prayer, and support. They don't desire to protest, defund, or change laws, but rather love on these women providing them resources, options, and freedom. The bus offers pregnancy and STD testing and onsite ultrasounds. And y'all... 4 out of 5 women who visit a Stork Bus choose LIFE!
Check out this video that shows the vision behind Save The Storks
I'd love for you to be a part of Save The Storks, working towards educating women and providing them with choices besides abortion. Each dollar donated saves the lives of babies and the hearts of women from shame, guilt, and sorrow. By donating $30 a month for 1 year, you save 1 woman and 1 child from the heartache of abortion. You also get this awesome shirt I am wearing below by partnering with STS. You can save lives friends! Donate here.
Check out this Stork Bus...pretty awesome!
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