Showing posts with label Health and Wealth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health and Wealth. Show all posts

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Why I want to RUN to the Lighthouse

The Portland Head Light in Fort Williams Park in Cape Elizabeth is one of Maine's most important landmarks. To Mainers... it is the "beacon of light" that contributed to Maine's rich maritime history. To tourists... it is a must-see place in Maine. And to me... it is all of the above and much more. It is where I pledged my love and devotion to my Sweetest - Mike.

I could have written a more dramatic introduction to this post but I can't think of any other way to put words together to express my joy in achieving my seems-to-be-impossible goal. Summer is definitely doing a lot of tricks to my brain lately. Or maybe it was because I have been slacking in the blogging department for a long time and my blog-hiatus state of mind put my brain on freeze-mode. But this is not my excuse. In fact I have no excuse. I just don't feel like blogging - Period! (And that goes for my 5 other blogs that are suffering from blog-drought, as well.) To say the least, I have nothing to say about the famous lighthouse because this post is not really about the lighthouse. This is about me!

Friday, July 4, 2014

Germaphobic Meets Hydroponic

I have issues with dirt. I bet I was the only kid (aside from my brothers) who never grew up playing in the mud. Well, my Mom was a "germaphobic" so we were not really allowed to get dirty.

Anyway, my Sweetest loves gardening. He loves growing vegetables even if he doesn't eat them. Yes, you got that right. He is a grower not an eater.

When I came here he wanted me to get involved in gardening. But being raised by a germaphobic, I can't get down on my knees and touch soil. He begs me every year to do gardening with him. But I just can't. The only help I can give him is to eat the produce which is very easy and yummy. LOL

This year, I finally decided to conquer my fear of dirt. I have bravely told him at the start of Spring that I will get involved in gardening and give up 100% of my germaphobic psyche to help him.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Spring is in the air

Winter this year was long and cold. I thought it will never end. But everything as an end as the saying goes. Right now we are having a fair share of rain and sun which are the mainstays of spring in Maine. And yes, we are budding.
This year I have finally come to terms with my dirt-o-phobia. Yeah, there is no such word. I know there is a specific term for what I meant but I'm too lazy to google it. Anyway, as some people know, I have issues with dirt. That is one of the reasons why I can't do any mud challenge.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

My kind of Frozen

My supposedly second race for January 11th was cancelled due to an ice storm. And since the road condition was not safe they postponed it to February 15th. But here's the thing, I realized that I already signed up for a race in February and it was scheduled on the 16th. So I have 2 races for 2 days in a row that I need to deal with. Great!
There I was at the back with a green circle.

Well, that February 16th race didn't happen. My brother who was flying in from Los Angeles didn't make it on the 15th due to flight cancellation. I supposed to run with him on the 16th so since he didn't make it, I didn't make it to the race. Fair enough? No, it's an alibi. LOL

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Definitely Trying to Start the Year Right!

Happy New Year, Everyone! As usual, I'm late in greeting you all. I have a reason for that. "I want to be the last one to greet you all for greater impact". Wink***
Yup, that was me in gray hat and scarf and aviator sunglasses.

So how was your New Year? Mine was awesome! It was freezingly awesome! It was brutally cold but awesome! And I was totally cool and awesome!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Do you have 5-minutes?

I have 2 jobs so I work 12 hours a day. I am not complaining. I am grateful because I have 2 jobs while I know there are lots of people who don't have one or even a part-time job.

I work from 6AM to 6PM. That is when the last kid at our Before and After Care Site is picked up at 6PM. If the the parents are late I will be working more than 12 hours.

Being on your toes 12 hours a day can wear anybody out. But that doesn't mean that I should look worn out or haggard or worse - a walking dead. LOL And how do I do that? Just give me 5 minutes.
This is my 5-minute routine which can last for 12 hours. And this wasn't photoshopped either.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

My New BFF

I am a great cook... not! Well, probably I am, in my own right, that is. I'm not a "cook-cook" but I can cook. My Sweetest loves my cooking or probably he is a good eater and doesn't care much about the taste of the food. LOL  My brothers love my cooking. Some of my friends love my cooking. And most importantly I love my cooking. Of course.

But since I don't have much time to cook, I would rather have someone cook for me. However, since I discovered my new BFF, I now enjoy cooking again --- the slow way.

Yes, meet my new "best friend forever"... the slow cooker.
And here is one of the dish I cooked with it - Pork Ribs with Onions and Pepper.
For recipe... click here.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Comfort Food Mode

The other day I went to see my Filipina friend. I don't usually see her very often but when I do see her it always involves food. So here is the result of my meeting with my dear Filipina friend.

Drum roll please! Cod Fish Sinigang. To get the recipe for this click HERE.
Oh yeah, I made a big pot of this and ate the whole pot. No, what I mean is... I ate the whole pot in batches or several big bowls. I had one big bowl every lunch for an entire week. And I am not bluffing.

I am still burping!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Secure your Premises with Security Cameras Merseyside

The world today is a 24 hour world allowing for flexible hours of work for employers and employees. This means that businesses can offer 24 hour service as goods and services are also available online. Security needs have therefore changed and must keep pace with a world that never stops.

Security cameras are an integral part of any complete security system. The benefits to be had from integrating 24 hour security into your home and or office are readily apparent. 24 hour surveillance provides unprecedented access and control. The benefits of these systems far outweigh the cost.

Security Cameras Merseyside can provide 24 hour access to your factory school, home, hospital or office. Security guards are only human and they need coffee and bathroom breaks. They are limited by the fact that they can only see what is in front of their eyes.

They cannot see around corners, through walls or very far distances. Security cameras are able to do it all.  There is no downtime based on human limitations. There are no shift requirements based on labour laws. Security cameras are all seeing and omnipresent. They can be everywhere and see everything.

Being able see it all is a definite advantage, but the ability of perfect recall is definitely an added bonus. The limitations of the human vision and memory can now be eliminated by using Security Cameras Merseyside. Information is now digitally recorded and available for easy and convenient at your fingertips access.

Falls, accidents and theft are commonplace in business.  There is no further need for he said or she said in insurance matters. Security cameras record information constantly and accurately. Information is always readily available and at hand. Claims and disputes can now be easily and conveniently settled.

With the necessary systems in place, security cameras work while you sleep always alert and on the job. The cost associated with security systems can be expensive and security fences and all its associated costs. Security guards around the clock would entail three different shifts.  Security is an expensive but necessary part of doing business.

Security systems are a deterrent to thieves and mischief makers who would try to profit from doing harm to your family or business. Without a security system in place your business is vulnerable to attack and fraudulent claims.

The presence of security cameras Merseyside can provide peace of mind. For more information get in touch. 

About the Guest Author
Written by Arthur Blackwell for

Thursday, August 15, 2013

11 Amazing Health Benefits of Eating Oranges

There are several reasons why you need to consider eating oranges besides being a rich source of vitamin C. An orange is a citrus fruit that is popular worldwide for its nutritional value. One orange is made up of more than 60 flavonoids and over 170 various types of phytonutrients. These are stout compounds that are well-known for their therapeutic traits.

Several researchers have discovered that consuming oranges is quite beneficial to consuming vitamin and mineral supplements. As is the case with other citrus fruits, oranges can aid the body in absorbing nutrients. Rather than drinking an orange juice, it is highly recommended that you take a whole orange since several nutrients, including minerals and vitamins are lost during the processing stage. Besides, eating a whole orange provides your body with fiber which is essential in the digestion process.
Listed below are some of the health benefits that you stand to gain by opting to eat whole oranges over processed orange juices:

1.       Aids in Preventing Cancer
Several studies have discovered that citrus fruits can help in preventing and fighting cancerous diseases. In a study that was carried out by an Australian scientist, it was discovered that eating citrus fruits, for example, oranges minimizes the odds of pharynx, stomach, larynx and mouth cancers by at least 40%. Oranges are not only rich sources of vitamin C, but antioxidants that have been linked to decreased formation of malignant tumors in the colon.
2.       Prevents Lung Cancer and Aids in Respiratory Wellness
Oranges are made up of large quantities of a type of carotenoid commonly referred to as beta-cryptoxanthin. In a research that was printed in a journal entitled “Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention” in the year 2003, it was stated that foods that are rich in beta-cryptoxanthin such as oranges helped in promoting respiratory wellness in addition to minimizing the odds of acquiring lung cancer by at least 27%.
3.       Rich Source of Vitamin C
Vitamin C provides the body with antioxidants that are responsible for getting rid of free radicals that can damage not only the cells, but DNA. A single orange can provide you up to 116 percent of vitamin C. In addition to eliminating free radicals from the body, vitamin C is essential in boosting the immune system. Vitamin C has also been found to aid in lowering blood pressure as well as reducing lead quantities in the circulation in addition to enhancing eye wellness, thereby minimizing the odds of developing cataracts.
4.       Rich Source of Antioxidants
Vitamin C is essential to the wellbeing of the body since it provides the body with antioxidants that are necessary in fighting various diseases. Antioxidants minimize the chances of developing cancer, cardiac ailments and premature aging.
5.       Boosts the Immune System
The high amounts of vitamin C in oranges is also thought to aid in the boosting of the body’s defense system, which is essential in preventing a myriad of diseases such as colds and flus. Common skin conditions like acne and blackheads can be prevented by boosting your immune system.
6.       Great Source of Dietary Fiber
Oranges are also excellent sources of dietary fibers. A single orange can provide you with at least 13% of dietary fiber, which is essential in aiding the digestive system. If you are looking for weight loss foods, consider eating at least 2-3 oranges on a daily basis as it helps in harmonizing the metabolism, reduction of cholesterol levels and blood sugar.
7.       Balancing Blood Sugar
If you are suffering from diabetes, you need to consider taking oranges as it is an excellent of fructose which is essential in balancing of blood sugar.
8.       Rich Source of Potassium
Besides vitamin C and dietary fibers, oranges are also excellent sources of potassium. Potassium is an important ingredient that the body should be supplied with since it aids in lowering blood pressure in addition to enhancing cardiac wellness. Then again, potassium aids in sustaining proper bone density. Lack of potassium has been associated with a number of bone ailments such as osteoporosis.
9.       Acts as an Anti-Inflammatory Agent
Several studies have indicated that oranges can aid in providing your body with anti-inflammatory agents that are essential in treating conditions such as arthritis and cancer. There are also studies which reveal that the anti-inflammatory agents provided by oranges can aid in minimizing ailments like rheumatoid arthritis, asthma and osteoarthritis.
10.   Cardiovascular Wellness
Oranges contain an element known as herperidin which aids in minimizing blood pressure on top of minimizing cholesterol levels in the body. Then again, the anti-inflammatory agents provided by herperidin alongside vitamin C aids in promoting cardiac wellness.
11.   Stomach Wellness
Finally, the other reason why you need to consider taking oranges is stomach wellness. Several studies have discovered that oranges aid in treating stomach disorders such as diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome. There are also other studies that reveal that oranges can be helpful when it comes to treating stomach ulcers.
Along with oranges, nuts are also possesses tremendous amount of vital elements, especially a Brazil nut, more about it’s features you can read following this link

Friday, August 9, 2013

5 Great Muscle Mass Building Secrets

I am a runner. Whoohooo! Boy, it sounds so powerful coming from a 40-ish year old woman like me who never played tag-you're-it when she was little.

What? I have dreams too and know I can achieve it. By saying that - I am a runner affirms that desire within me. [wink**]

But yeah, I am not really a runner-runner. I just love to run. What is surprising though is that, I have what it takes to be a runner or more likely - the will to run.

I run. I run on the treadmill... on the roads... on the trails...
by the lakes and bonds... and in the playground with my kids at work.
I run regardless of the kind of weather we have... sunny... or rainy...
cloudy... or snowy.
As a runner I know the importance of training. Strength training and muscle mass building are very essential parts in any sports training. It is not only for the purpose of success but for fitness and health issues.

Like what Zach Holstrom taught his students on the importance of muscle mass building... [and I quote]
"If you are training and one of your goals is to build muscle mass, there are some things you need to know. Most people think that hitting the gym is all there is to building a well sculpted body that is reflective of low body fat and lean muscle mass. The truth is that knowledge and preparation play a major role in the success and proficiency of any workout.

There are tons and tons of men in the gym everyday doing killer workouts and experiencing minimal results in the way of increased muscle mass. This can be frustrating and discouraging. The key is in understanding the elements that are involved in accomplishing what you are trying to accomplish. When I counsel or train someone, I insure that I educate them as well. I don’t simply tell them what to do, I tell them why. I explain the dynamics of exercise, diet, and supplementation.

You can spend countless hours in the gym, but if something is not in balance, you will find that you are spinning your wheels and getting no results. Speaking of balance, one of the primary reasons that mean find it difficult to increase muscle mass and improve muscular devlopment is they are suffering from a testosterone deficiency. Testosterone is a vital hormone in the process of increasing strength and muscle mass.

The body naturally produces testosterone in both men and women, but it is present at much higher levels in men. The problem is that the body begins to slow down the production of testosterone at age 30. As this takes place the body’s ability to produce muscle decreases in proportion to the testosterone levels in your body. The key is to find ways to stimulate testosterone production in the body."

Below are some of the benefits of increased testosterone production:

  • The ability to effectively manage insulin levels in the blood stream
  • Decreased risk of osteoporosis
  • Improved cognition (That’s right, testosterone can improve the function of the brain.)
  • Increased energy levels
  • Increased muscle mass (This is where you start with any muscle building campaign.)

Below you will find 5 great secrets to increasing your testosterone levels, which subsequently will allow you to be able to effectively increase your muscle mass.

  1. Get Rest – You need to get a significant amount of sleep; at least an average of 7-8 hours per night. Rest and recovery is just as important to development as the expenditure of energy. There is an extremely strong correlation between getting enough sleep and reaching optimal testosterone levels.
  2. Lower your consumption of alcohol. Alcohol has a negative effect on the production of testosterone. It is also a major contributor to a shabby waistline. This is not to say that having a drink every now and then will totally sabotage your training, but consistent long term use definitely will.
  3. Control your carbohydrate intake. Studies show that testosterone levels immediately fall after the intake of carbohydrates. This drop is only temporary; however, if you are eating multiple (3-4) high carbohydrate meals per day, this will ultimately lead to lower overall testosterone levels.
  4. Keep your intense workouts to 45 minutes or less. When you extend your intense workouts beyond 45 minutes, the cortisol levels in the body increase dramatically. Cortisol is a hormone that counteracts the production of testosterone.
  5. Do compound resistance training exercises more frequently (rows, squats, shoulder presses, dead-lifts, etc). Exercising large muscle groups helps to increase testosterone levels.

There are numerous other ways of increasing your testosterone levels, but these should get you well on your way.

Zach Holstrom is a professional hunter and wilderness survivalist trainer who coaches people on living off of the land. He is also the father of three kids alex, john, and mary.

Knowing these facts are very essential for any athlete or sports enthusiasts regardless of what fitness level you are. Training our body and our mind helps one not only build strong body but well-founded discipline as well.

As for me, I am seriously considering every aspects of strength training and muscle mass building because I know that it will help me run many races in the future.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

One Soggy Day

One of the things I love about my life in Maine is the races. I have never been an athlete. I wasn't an active kid when I was young. But when I moved to Maine, I became interested in races. I have been running races for more than a year now and I love it. I run outdoors for my training regardless of the season.

Last Sunday I left the house very early to go to Portland. I volunteered for the Maine Marathon and was assigned at the Food Tent. It was a soggy Sunday morning.

This is my second time to volunteer in a running event. I volunteered because I can't run any of the races because they were Relay, Full and Half Marathon races. I am only a 5K runner.
That day I sliced hundred of oranges...
and helped set up the food on the tables. I worked for 3 hours from 6AM to 9AM. It was such a wonderful event despite the rain.

I'm planning to do it again next year... if I am not running. WINK***
For more information about Maine Marathon, click here.

This is a SPECIAL POST for MAINE Attraction... a regular blog that features everything and anything about my home - Maine.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

My Garden BFFs

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Miracle-Gro for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

It officially “fall” and it means the sceneries are changing again. It means that the ground is starting to freeze and my vegetables will be dying soon. It means that my gardening days are over. Or is it? In this modern time and with modern technology, anything is possible. Even the changing season is no longer a hindrance to achieve anything especially when it comes to gardening.

I was browsing online the other day and came across with a cool website on gardening - Gardenieres. I was inspired right away because the website showcases real-life gardening enthusiasts and green thumbs led by William Moss, the master gardener who share their personal experiences on growing anything and everything.  Though I am not that surprised because they all use Miracle-Gro which is what we use for our garden too.

Well, I’m not really into gardening to be honest with you. It was just only this year when I decided to go organic that I started to get involved in my Sweetest’s gardening. We grew our vegetable garden in black bags this year which I think is cool. So I think this is a very portable garden that we can bring inside our house and put them in the cellar so I can have my organic salad anytime come wintertime. Of course, everything will not be possible without the aid of Miracle-Gro®. And with the discovery of the Gardenieres, I will have more reasons to continue gardening this fall… even in winter!

Here are the reasons why Miracle-Gro® products are the best gardening product on the market right now and why my Sweetest is a big fan.
(1) Miracle-Gro
Potting Projects
•  Miracle-Gro® Potting Mix:
Ideal for all kinds of container or potted plants
Feeds plants for up to 6 months with Miracle-Gro Continuous Release Plant Food
Rich, organic materials help improve drainage and air flow
•  Miracle-Gro® LiquaFeed®
Makes Feeding as Easy as Watering
Feeds plants through leaves and roots
For use with all flowers, vegetables, trees and shrubs
For in-ground projects
•  Miracle-Gro® Garden Soil for Flowers & Vegetables
Specially formulated for annuals, perennials, and vegetables
Improves existing soil to build strong roots
Feeds up to 3 months with Miracle-Gro® Continuous Release Plant Food
•  Miracle-Gro® LiquaFeed®
Makes Feeding as Easy as Watering
Feeds plants through leaves and roots
Safe to use with all flowers, vegetables, trees and shrubs
For Planting Trees & Shrubs
•  Miracle-Gro® Garden Soil for Trees & Shrubs
Ideal for trees, evergreens, and flowering shrubs.
Feeds up to 3 months with Miracle-Gro® Continuous Release Plant Food
Great for roses too!
•  Miracle-Gro® Tree & Shrub Fertilizer Spikes
Balanced feeding for all deciduous trees and shrubs
That is why for our portable garden in black bags… Miracle-Gro® Potting Mix and Miracle-Gro® LiquaFeed® are our gardening BFFs.
Gardening used to be too intimidating to me before but it is not now. Whether you got the green thumb or not, you can grow your own garden at any season with Miracle-Gro. And here’s the thing, 'like' Miracle-Gro Facebook page so you can talk with fellow gardeners, share stories or simply get inspired.

Visit Sponsor's Site

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Healthy Choice, My Choice

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Quaker Oats for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

I have signed up for 2 races every month right after my 1st year Running Anniversary. I never thought that running is addicting. I can’t brag that I am good at it because I know I’m not. It just feels good that I can challenge myself to do something that I know is good for my health. And knowing the benefits I get from it is just simply amazing.
QSBB 3D Carton Cinn Pecan.jpg (2 documents, 2 total pages)
Training on the other hand is the hard part both physically and mentally. It takes a lot of effort and self-control to train. And it takes miracle to stick on a strict diet. Hahaha. Well, good thing that nowadays there are healthy foods that are readily available to help me with my weight goal like the Quaker Soft Baked Bar which aren't just tasty, but are packed with 140 calories, 5g of Fiber, 6g of Protein and an excellent source of 5 B-Vitamins. What else can an active person like me ask for a snack bar?
QSBB Yum Image high res.jpg
This baby provides me with the FUEL I need with my training. This new wholesome food which is made with real fruits and nuts comes in two delicious flavors, Cinnamon Pecan Bread and Banana Nut Bread. My favorite flavor is Cinnamon Pecan Bread which is my eat on-the-go power breakfast snack when I am in hurry or when I have a race. But when I have those days where I can relax and enjoy a hearty snack while doing chores, I can just pop it up in a microwave for a real bakery experience. This great snack can get me through until my next meal so I am not worried that I get hungry and overeat when I get my hand of the food.
QSBB 3D Carton Banana.jpg (2 documents, 2 total pages)
That is why Quaker Soft Baked Bars top my grocery list. I need to stock up on these snack bars because I’m not the only one enjoying it… my Sweetest too.  I make sure that he got his fair share in his lunch box every day when he goes to work.

Well, we all have choices. Making the right choice is always based on our personal preference. When it comes to health, we are given many choices too but as for me - my choice is Quaker Soft Baked Bar.

Visit Sponsor's Site

Monday, May 7, 2012

Going organic? Go Whitney!

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Whitney Farms for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

Spring has sprung. And yes, it’s the time of the year when my garden will be blooming again with all kinds of plants. This year, I have decided to go organic. I started buying organic produce since I realized that the price is not that much compared to non-organic. And aside from the health benefit that I get from them it is no brainer that going organic helps the environment too.

Whitney-Farms-Logo_Banner_New_C.jpg (6 documents, 6 total pages)A couple of weeks ago I started a green smoothie detox diet to flush out toxins from my body caused by all the preservatives that I put in my body through all those food that I ate. And the best way to get the best benefits from these green smoothies is to use organic fruits and veggies. So this year, I have decided to grow my own organic garden where I can get the produce I need for my green smoothie like baby spinach, arugula, lettuce, cucumber and all kinds of veggies to make a healthy green salad. And to make this possible, I already started getting our gardening supplies like organic soil from Whitney Farms which is a full line of 100% natural plant foods and soils will be a key player in my gardening style. I like Whitney Farms because they don’t use any additives in their farm products. There is nothing artificial about the product and just natural ingredients from the earth that are designed to help you grow big, beautiful flowers and veggies.

Organic Plant FoodWith Whitney Farms® 25+ years of leading gardening experience, it is just enough reason to trust that their products will help me produce the healthiest veggies for my green smoothies. They contain beneficial microbes that are specially designed protein-based blends to provide your plants with both macro and micronutrients that they need to grow and thrive in any garden condition. They are easy to apply. They are also low to no dust content like other products. And yes, they have no stinky and disgusting manure odor.

Convince enough? Then try out Whitney Farms with the $3 coupon! This surely will give you a win-win attitude towards your health goal and environmental concern. Wink**
109103_1.jpg (6 documents, 6 total pages)Our health is our personal concern. It is up to us if we want to be healthy and remain healthy. It is basically our personal choices that help us live a healthy life.  Given a choice between an organic plant food garden and a conventional plan food garden, we know which one is the best for us and our loved ones. We don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that with Whitney Farms products, we can produce the best and healthy garden and help save the environment at the same time. So yes, let’s make it a goal to live healthy in a safe environment.

Visit Sponsor's Site

Sunday, June 12, 2011

My Running BFF

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Walgreens for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

I am happy to run outdoors now because I save a lot on my gym membership fee. [wink*] I like running on “real road” than on “moving belt” which twisted my knee and gave me an injury [thanks a lot for my ignorance]. And more importantly, I just love the feel of the cool breeze on my cheeks and the warmth of the sun on my skin. It does feel like “not winter” anymore. Yey.
 Well, I have been waiting all winter to get the chance to run outdoors but I didn’t realize that this spring will have a great impact on my allergy. But then, my allergy didn’t stop me from running outdoors. I now run with my new BFF – Wal-Fex Allergy for Indoors and Outdoors Allergies which is one of the Walgreens Brand Health & Wellness Products that I discovered which is very effective to me. It is not only effective but friendly too. Yes, it’s friendly to my pocketbook, that is.

This product gives me quick relief from sneezing, itchy nose, eyes and throat, runny nose, and watery eyes. And most importantly, it’s non-drowsy so I know I won’t fall asleep while I was running. LOL.

Well, I know there are lots of brand name products of the same medicine but I like Walgreens products not only because they are cheaper compared to others but because… Walgreens Brand Health & Wellness Products are a great value, allowing families and individuals to save money without sacrificing quality or trust. With the rising cost of health care, saving money on over-the-counter medications can really benefit a family’s budget. In addition to being an exceptional value, Walgreens Brand Health & Wellness Products… are Walgreens pharmacist recommended… most contain the same active ingredients as other national brands… and have a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Visit… to learn more about Walgreens Brand Health & Wellness Products and the Walgreens Way to Well Fund™.
 And oh, by the way, do you know that several bloggers are giving away some Walgreens Gift Cards? Yup, so check it out:… , who knows you could be one of the lucky recipients of these giveaways.

Visit Sponsor's Site

Friday, November 26, 2010

Turkey Day turned Wild

Happy Thanksgiving all!

It was kinda late I know. It's already Black Friday. The most awaited day after Turkey Day. But here I am in my bedroom nursing a wounded butt. I finally had my butt checked and pinched and poked and only-God-knows-what. Ouch! Of all the best time in the world to visit a doctor - Thanksgiving Eve.
Yes. Hubby and I were in the Doctor's office on the eve of Thanksgiving Day because I was scheduled to see this doctor for my hemorrhoids. I thought it will be just a quick peek. But my little buddy down there was really sore and swollen and bleeding and needed to be taken care of. I couldn't sleep anymore and I was totally crying all night from pain. So I have no choice but to see a doctor and let him inject botox on my buttocks. LOL.
Yes. Hubby was telling many times to see the doctor but yes... I waited till the last minute. So come Turkey Day, I was there with the rest of my family having our traditional turkey dinner but lo and behold, I cannot take in any food. My head was in a roller coaster ride and my tummy was in a somersault mode. I just had half a bite of everything except the sweet potatoes and went back to bed and watched football game. 

But yes... there is indeed a lot I am thankful for. I am thankful for my family [here and back home] and friends [including my virtual BFFs] and of course my work [because not a lot here have one]. I am thankful that I was able to sleep good and drank my glass of milk... bottoms up! And yes... I am thankful that the Patriots rolled over the Lions! Whooo... hoooo!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A Yummy Healthy Meal

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Mission Foods. All opinions are 100% mine.

Since I started my Biggest Loser Weekend Challenge in my other blog, I started exercising and eating healthy. Wink* Seriously, I am more conscious now with the kind of food I buy in the grocery and with what I cook for our meals. Well, I still have not reached the ideal weight I was dreaming of for valid reasons. One is because I am not exercising enough. LOL.

Well, in terms food, which is the biggest challenge for me, I was able to learn how to prepare healthy meals. Because of that I also learned to appreciate tortillas. That is why Mission Flour Tortillas is always on top of my grocery list because it is not just easy and very convenient to prepare, it is healthy too. The versatility of Mission Flour tortillas and its freshly-baked taste make my meal always a wonderful experience.

My favorite healthy meal is tofu strips fried in olive oil...

topped with sautéd chopped button mushrooms and onions in barbeque sauce...

and chopped egg omelet...

with chopped fresh red ripe tomatoes...

and crunchy lettuce...

wrapped in warm Mission Flour tortilla. Hmmmm… Yummy!

So, if you are trying to eat healthy this is the right meal for you because Mission Flour tortillas are cholesterol free and contain 0 grams Trans fat per serving. And they are available in different sizes so you can choose which size fits your appetite. Hahahahaha

And by the way, if you have no idea of how to prepare tortilla meals… check out for some good examples of quick and easy, budget-friendly meals for $10 using Mission Flour Tortilla. And yes, you might what to take the Mission Menus Challenge which is now currently running until August 9th, 2010.

Here are some of the important details about the Challenge.

• Mission Foods is kicking off the summer with the Mission Menus Challenge.

• Beginning June 28, 2010, Chef Sara Moulton will encourage consumers to submit their budget-friendly recipes to Mission at for a chance to compete in a cook-off in Los Angeles and win a $10,000 dream kitchen makeover as well as a host of weekly prizes.
• The grand prize winner will win round-trip airfare and hotel accommodations for two to the Mission Menus Challenge Cook-off on September 10, 2010 at the Hard Rock Café in Los Angeles.
• Until August 9th, you have the chance to submit your recipe online.

All recipes must:
• Must include Mission Flour Tortillas
• Be original
• Feed a family of five for $10 or less

And one thing worth knowing too is that…

Mission Foods is proud to support “Share Our Strength”, the leading national organization committed to ending childhood hunger in America. You can help by visiting and learning more about Mission Foods commitment to Share Our Strength in supporting this life-changing cause.

Well, there you go. I got to go now to enjoy my new tortilla creation… another yummy meal that has something to do with grilled chicken and some crunchy chopped green peppers that I picked from Hubby’s bucket garden.

Visit my sponsor: Mission Menus Challenge