Tuesday, May 31, 2011

It's my Sweetest Birthday, today!

It's my Sweetest birthday today. I wasn't able to greet him this morning because I was so sleepy when I left for work. The guys who did our dining/kitchen flooring worked all night. They were still there when I left for work at 5:30 am.

So today, I just texted him to say Happy Birthday. And since I have not written to him for a long time, this is the best time to do it now.

Dear Sweetest,

Happy Birthday. What else can I say? hahaha Well, I can come up with lots of sweet words and stuff like that, but I guess we are passed that stage now. We have been together for 4 years already. I remembered I came here in Maine 2 days before your birthday and you said... I was the best gift you ever had on your birthday. That was sweet. wink*

Well, it's already the 4th year that we have been together so we don't have to do the math. I will just ask you a question. Am I still the best gift you ever had? No, you don't have to answer that question [since you don't read my blog anyway and I'm afraid the answer will be worse. LOL]. We have been through a lot. And a lot of times it was not that good. We have ups and downs just like any other normal couples do. But we are not normal, are we? hahaha

Life is tough and our relationship has been put to test a lot of times. And a lot of times, we never give up. I just hope that we continue to hold on and work out on it. I don't want to be cheesy this time. We are passed that stage too. 

Just want you to know that I LOVE YOU... point blank! Not as if I don't have a choice. I do have a choice, right? And I chose you so deal with it.

I love you Sweetest... more that you ever now. Happy birthday. Come home early... we'll have a dinner date. 

Don't worry it's on me. wink*

Love you always,

Your Sweetie

Monday, May 30, 2011

New Profession?

So I am having a backlog on my blogging activities here [so, what else is new? LOL] - most especially in this website. I admit it's very irresponsible of me. As I have said... I am busy... really busy. And yet, I was able to start a new website about a couple of months back dedicated to my new career - running. hahaha

NO... I just love the way it sounds - Professional Runner. Well, I might be trying hard to run, ain't that one of the characteristics of a Professional Runner?

But NO... it's not as if I am giving up my day job to concentrate on running to make money. Well, the last race I participated was awesome. The first finisher bagged 5K for the 5K [translation: 5,000 dollars for the 5 kilometers run]. No way I can come close to the first 100 finishers. But at least this time around I wasn't the 5th to the last who crossed the finish line. hahaha.

So here is the update on my blogging whereabouts. My new website is called the high-heeled Diva's RUNNING bLOG.

And NO... I didn't run in my stilettos. I ran in running shoes. I am a professional, you know! hahaha

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Memorial Weekend

Happy Memorial Weekend, everyone. Hay, I know... I know. It's been a long time since I last posted anything substantial or worth-reading here. It's hormonal this time. hahahaha

Well, you got to blame somebody but yourself. Yes, I am having some hormonal attacks lately. Yes, aging is inevitable. And yes, I can't stop it no matter how hard I tried.

So, life goes on here in my part of the world in northern New England despite the unpredictable weather. And just to give update on my current whereabouts [pretend that I have a fan base who cares about that, lol] I am cooking up something. I will not give a hint because eventually the whole web wide world will take notice.

So for now, I just type a quick "the-big-brown-fox-jumps-over-the-lazy-dog" to test my new keyboard. Happy Memorial Day, guys and yes, go easy on the bbq and the chips.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Gift of Independence

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of NMEDA for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

 I have a new passion… running. It all started with a walk… the Mary’s Walk, which is a fundraising for Maine Cancer Research. Since then I became inspired to run. I am now training for my 2nd 5k and hopefully I will be able to do a full marathon.

I am so lucky that I can walk, much more… that I can run. It must have been disheartening for all those who are physically challenged and wheel-chair bound to just even go around their own backyard, so I thought. But during my very first 5k race, I was humbled by one of the race participants. He crossed the finish line 10 minutes ahead of me. He was wheel-chaired bound but you cannot see in his face that his disability is a big obstacle in achieving his goal. I was amazed at how he crossed the finish line with total confidence.

After the race he was assisted by another guy to his specially-made vehicle and his specially-made-for-races wheel-chair was carefully wheeled inside the vehicle too. As they drove away, I was totally so inspired to work harder on my new passion because I thought, if he can do it… why can’t I!

Well, speaking of that specially-made vehicle. It is indeed great that with this kind of vehicle is available to our physically challenged friends and loved ones so they can to go places safely. It is also good to know that these kind of vehicles are available through the help of NMEDA who makes sure that vehicles like these are easily accessible by wheelchairs.

To know more about NMEDA, here are some additional information:

- NMEDA is a non-profit trade association; they educate consumers on buying products from a NMEDA qualified dealer.

- NMEDA DOES NOT SELL ANYTHING: NMEDA is the only association that promotes safe driving and equipment for disabled people. They are non-profit and their members are required to adhere to the safety standards of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. NMEDA dealers (members) are the ones who sell handicap vans and vehicle modifications for disabled people.

- No two people with a disability are exactly the same. Beware of adapted wheelchair vehicles sold over the Internet or through catalogs. After a personalized “in-person” evaluation, you can be sure you are getting the right driving solution customized to your specific lifestyle and needs. If you need additional training or product refinements, your NMEDA dealer is there to help you.

- NMEDA has Dealers AND Quality Assurance Program (QAP) dealers.
* The Quality Assurance Program (QAP) is the only nationally recognized accreditation program for the Adaptive Mobility Equipment Industry. It is based on the principle that in order to satisfy customers consistently, companies must have a systematic and documented approach to quality.


Caring for our loved ones with disability is a tough job but it is nice to know that a NMEDA qualified dealer can help us in our daily challenges in dealing with them.

If you are a Health Care provider who needs this kind of special vehicle for your clients or a caregiver of a physically challenged loved one … visit nmeda.org now and on its homepage, type in your ZIP code on the box provided at the dealer’s locator and see if there is a qualified dealer near you.

The road to independence for our disabled loved ones starts now… with NMEDA… and with our desire to give them the gift of independence.

Visit Sponsor's Site

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

This Time of the Year

I feel a little edgy lately. I can't help it. It was around this time of the year when I miscarried.

It has been 3 years already and I'm still not over it. I still grieve. I still cry every now and then especially when I hear stories about miscarriages. Though, I became a mom for a brief moment, it was such a wonderful moment in my life.

Three years have passed, but I still feel the pain of losing my precious little one. 

But I try move on though I still grieve, it doesn't necessarily mean that I am hopeless.

And I try to be happy though I still cry, it doesn't always mean that I am lonely.

Then, I try to be free though I still feel pain, it doesn't really mean that I have given up.

One day, I will let this time of the year pass by... celebrating the joy of acceptance.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

B.A.S: Blogging Anemia Syndrome

My Bad!

I have not written anything here for a long time. I have no alibi. I am plain lazy!

I am working only part-time and have more free time everyday and yet, I can’t convince myself to write anything lately. Having 6 blogs finally took a toll on me. I do write every now and then, and that is because I am writing paid posts for 3 blogs [this, my breathing space and hubby's blog where I am a ghost writer. lol] I need extra income, you know. But still I am not doing a-ok on that department either, unlike when I was still a stay-at-home wife where I could write 10 to 12 post a day on PPP and 1 post for each non-PPP blog.

While my other 3 blogs are suffering from blogging anemia [together with my newest baby except for the photoblog which I share with my brothers Japol and Gary - thank God!], commenting and blog hopping to other bloggers' websites seemed to be unacceptable, as well . 

This thing or shall I say… phase… is not entirely new to me. I have been there a lot of times and I am so familiar with it. Laziness is my twin sister. We have a love-hate relationship and we have a strong bond together when life in the fast lane is too tiring to bear or in my recent case - becomes monotonous. But unlike my siblings, Laziness and I can get tired of each other and eventually can soon get rid each other as fast as we could.

So for now, I will just take things easy and enjoy my sweet life in the slow lane. And hope that people will be as forgiving as always.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring is Here... and I'm going Outdoors!

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Pier 1 for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

Yey! Spring is finally here. There are lots of reasons to celebrate. The weather is getting warmer and it means that I can spend more time outdoors. The flowers are  blooming and I can start working in my garden. And the day is longer and I can entertain friends and family outdoors again.

So, spring is here and it’s time for my outdoor furniture to claim its rightful spot in the backyard. But since some of them are already no good it’s time to go to Pier 1 and check out their new outdoor furniture “must haves” that just arrived in time for spring.

Oh, I just love Pier 1 because I can update my patio with new "outdoor swingasan chair" or our inside living space with new "colorful milk glass vases and lamps" without hurting my budget because I can always get a great deal on their products. And it is always fun to decorate and redecorate with Pier 1 pieces because they always come up with new pieces like "spring candles in tins and decorated glasses to gorgeous candle holders and center pieces". You can get lots of special items at special values from "multi-colored napkin rings" which originally cost $29.5 a piece, now $2.36 to "rack with baskets" which was originally $149.95 now, it's only $129.99. It saves me 20% on a lot of hot items . The iconic "papasan" for example has evolved and I can just imagine that it will surely pop out in my newly brick-paved patio and “wow” my friends.

Well, spring is officially here so what are you waiting for? Check out Pier 1 and sign up for their special in-store offer for the weekend of March 18-20 to receive Pier 1 Outdoor newsletter and get yourself a great deal for your new outdoor/indoor papasan that will surely wow your friends whom you just love and can’t wait to entertain.

And oh, by the way, watch out for the upcoming Pier 1 Tweetups coming at your city:

Dallas: March 22nd
Atlanta: April 5th
NYC: April 20th

C’mon, it’s springtime and it’s time to enjoy the weather and your new favorite space made possible by Pier 1. Wink**

Visit Sponsor's Site

Friday, March 18, 2011


Open the door of your heart and let love come in to live and thrive.

To Join Photo Friday Challenge... click HERE.

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Sunday, March 13, 2011

A Walk to Remember... Mary

It was a little warm [41 degrees - that's warm here in Maine] and a cloudy morning. I left the house a little past 8 and reached Saco [an 18 miles drive from where I live] at around 9. I saw the sign "Mary's Walk Parking" and turned right to find an empty parking lot. "Am I lost? or just too early?"... I asked myself.
I was early. Good thing. I had time to take photos. What's the occasion? It's the 13th Annual Mary's Walk and Kerrymen Pub 5k, a fundraising event for Maine based cancer research. And yes, I joined it. I was actually planning to join the 5k Run but I chickened out.
I thought I wasn't ready so I opted for the "walk" just to experience it and have the feel of it. Eventually, when people stated coming and seeing those runners, I started to get jealous. Well... there is always a next time, right?
And so I walked with the rest of the hundred supporters and had fun walking. 
It was only a 2.5 miles walk along Saco Main St. I joined the RSU #57 school district under Team Orr, which is dedicated to Sandy Orr, a former Waterboro Elementary School [the Y Kids' Out Program Site where I work] secretary who lost her battle to cancer early this year.
Apparently, Team Orr is the biggest team that joined this year's fundraising event with over 120 supporters who signed up and raised over $4,000.
It was cloudy, a little chilly and with a little shower every now and then, but the walk was fun especially that I met a lot of people and walked with people who care.
I walked with dogs...

I walked with kids
and babies in strollers...

 And I walked with faith... that next time I will not just walk... but run!

Our Weekend Memoirs

For more Weekend Memoirs... Visit OWM Here.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Californication Day 4: The TSS Mini Reunion in SD and New Year's Eve in LA

The feeling is universal! The TSS Sistahs finally met in person. And we were transported to San Diego right away where we had our Italian Dinner and mini-reunion with another Filipina Blogger and her Family.

The travel time from Universal Studio to San Diego was awesome. It was awesome because it felt so much home. Two hours of getting stuck in a traffic wasn't fun but it certainly flooded me with good memories of home. As soon as we reached Betchai's abode we just freshened up and went straight to an Italian Restaurant in Coronado Island where we met Rose and her family. It was a delicious reunion of sort.

After dinner we headed home and the TSS Sistahs finally bonded. We chatted and laughed till 5 in the morning over Chay's chocolate cake [especially made for the TSS Reunion] and endless cups of tea. We went to bed only to get up after an hour to get ready to go to La Jolla and Torey Pines.

My 4th day in California started with Binagooang Baboy for breakfast.
From there we went straight to explore Torey Pines Gliderport...

and went bird watching...
and enjoyed taking pictures of seals and at La Jolla.

It was indeed a whole day of fun with my TSS family and before the day ends I was on a train on my way back to LA. From the Union Station, my cousin Joey and Javier picked me up and in no time we were preparing food for our Noche Buena with Carmen.

After cooking pancit and had my first taste of "turon" after 4 long years... I passed out and dreamed about the Rose Parade.

[Photo Credits: Doods and Tess, Betchai]

This is one of 'MERICA Posts Series. A regular post dedicated to my HOME away from home.

Read more about my 'merica HERE as I share my experiences in this land of amazing People, Culture and Traditions.

Friday, March 11, 2011


You don't have to believe but faith is necessary to live in hope.

To Join Photo Friday Challenge... click HERE.

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