AKMA is the man...
Maybe I can get him signed up for a Sandhill Trek interview this summer. Right now he has a "Blog in Prog" about identity - not the dry digital identity functional concepts that Norlin touts, but the juicier stuff: the "what's a person made of" stuff. I'm struggling with a dimension of this in the Interviews. Some of us need to be held, but how does this come across as an identifying characteristic? And why should it dominate? How much emphasis should it have in the context of all the other interesting characteristics that feed the flames of the person's identity.
Some of us open up easily from the very center of our beings, but have a tough time filling in the peripheral information that will help a friend relate.
Some of us can be marvelously circumspect about intimate, personal matters without being the least bit coy.
After working with three wonderful women, I thought I had better get some gender balance going or this would start to look a lot like the Play-geezer Interviews. And there are men out there who are just as sensitive and compelling as the women of Blogaria. Some of these men have consented to be interviewed.
Maybe some of the answers to the questions about identity that AKMA is asking will be inferentially clear from the content of the interviews we are accumulating online here at Sandhill Trek.
A lot of maybes today. I wish Jeneane's friends had stayed away one day longer so we could have rounded out her interview nicely in time for her birthday on Sunday.
1:13:17 PM