People I've Pissed Off...
This is unfortunately a long list, and I'm editing it down to a list of people with whom I probably still have some outstanding "issues." That is, there would probably be "issues" if they were to think about it, but probably they're not thinking about it. I, however, am a consummate suck-up and people pleaser so I think about it a lot. Okay, maybe I don't think about it a lot, but when I do think about it I get depressed and so I'm going into high blog confessional mode here and admitting that at one time or another in the past few years I have managed to seriously irritate (or at least annoy)...
Dave Winer - ah well, who hasn't? This one is a lost cause.
Jeff Ward - big loss for me here.
Liz Lawley - ditto.
Mike Sanders - Mike was able to ignore me so completely that he probably doesn't even know I pissed him off. Hmmm...
Jonathon Delacour - I think this one has been kinda-sorta patched up, but we broke of the interview with Jonathon owing me a message and me just not following up on our discussion and ... well, who knows?
Shelley Powers - a matter of poor judgment on my part in an attempt to get all analytical around the future of a particular blogging tool... god knows where this relationship is headed. The toilet is a pretty poor place to be, but there's always the flush and the septic tank below.
Arete - One day I was doing some posturing and... damn! I have to get out of this schizo mode. I am either an elitist snob with pretensions of high cultural and intellectual discernment, or I'm not. I'll get back to you on this one...
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