"A child's learning is the function more of the characteristics of his classmates than those of the teacher." James Coleman, 1972
Showing posts with label Chiefs for Change. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chiefs for Change. Show all posts

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Personalized Learning Poised to Take Center Stage

from Wrench in the Gears
May 14, 2017

As new state education plans are unveiled, the ed-tech sector is positioning itself to take full advantage of the ESSA’s ample provisions for innovation / entrepreneurial experimentation on public school children. Language in Title lV-21st Century Schools Part F, Subpart 1 of the Every Student Succeeds Act allocates $200 million+ annually in fiscal years 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 to “create, develop, implement, replicate, or take to scale entrepreneurial, evidence-based, field-initiated innovations to improve student achievement and attainment for high-need students.” Any state educational agency, local educational agency, consortium of such agencies, or the Bureau of Indian Education may partner with a non-profit organization, business, educational service agency or institution of higher education to develop these “innovative” products.

The New Schools Venture Fund Summit 2017, an invitation-only event, expects over 1,000 entrepreneurs, funders, policy makers, educators, and community leaders to converge on the Hyatt Regency in Burlingame, CA next week to “reimagine education.” Technology features prominently with sessions on rigor in personalized learning, tech in special education, tech as an equity issue, and developing a robust R&D program to “drive the kinds of technological breakthroughs we need in education.” Platinum level event sponsors include the Gates and Walton Family Foundations, the Carnegie Corporation, and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative-all forces behind the Ed Reform 2.0 digital curriculum agenda. According to EdWeek, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative recently teamed up with Chiefs for Change (CFC) to establish a “Transforming Schools and Systems Workgroup.”

Their partnership will promote adoption of “Personalized Learning” at state and local levels, building on efforts underway in states like Rhode Island where Chan Zuckerberg funds are being used to pilotLighthouse Schools” that have adopted online learning platforms developed by the Facebook-affiliated Summit Learning. Diane Tavenner, CEO of Summit Public Schools, is slated to speak at the New Schools Venture Fund conference referenced above.

With backing from Zuckerberg, the company’s “free” Summit Basecamp has expanded its reach from ten bricks and mortar charter schools to over one hundred public schools nationally. The Gates Foundation helped underwrite this expansion via two grants totaling nearly $3.5 million and funded a white paper documenting the program prepared by FSG, a social impact consulting firm. Facebook provided technical support to develop Summit Learning’s “Personalized Learning Platform” that embraces Ed Reform 2.0 principles of competency based education and playlist modules. A New York Times article from August 2016 contrasts Zuckerberg’s current approach to education reform with earlier top-down efforts in Newark, noting this time around he plans to employ “a ground-up effort to create a national demand for student-driven learning in schools.” The Chan Zuckerberg/CFC collaboration appears to be part of that plan.

Established as a program of Jeb Bush’s Foundation for Excellence in Education in 2010, Chiefs for Change spun off in 2015, expanding its mission to include city school districts as well as state departments of education as targets for their bi-partisan ed-reform strategies. Though the group at one point had dwindled to four members, it’s growing again and currently numbers twenty-six, seventeen of whom joined in 2016. The four newest members are: William Hite, Superintendent of Philadelphia Public Schools; Kunjan Narechania, Superintendent of the Recovery School District Louisiana; Paymon Rouhanifard, Superintendent of the Camden City School District; and Candice MacQueen, Commissioner of Education for Tennessee. As of now, seven state departments of education are represented in addition to eighteen school districts. You can find information on members of CFC here.


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Chief for Change, Janet Barresi, Doubles Down on Meaningless School Grading System

Chief Barresi 
What if the scientific community reveals that a state school policy produces meaningless and misleading results that conceal deep inequalities and mask others?  If you are one of Jeb Bush's Chiefs, you smile, ignore the facts, and proceed as if nothing happened:

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Friday, February 01, 2013

How Jeb Bush's FEE Became the Conduit for Corporate Cash to Make ED Policy

Through FOIA, In the Public Interest has acquired hundreds of documents that provide the much-needed links between corporate interests and state and federal education policy makers.  Below is a commentary from IPI and below that are some page views that offer some graphic evidence of the depth of the sewer, which promises to give corruption in education policy entirely new boundaries.

What we find, essentially, is that Bush's Foundation for Excellence in Education is the conduit that carries money, communication, lobbying, and logistics for making education policy at the state and federal levels.  Working in conjunction with ALEC to write legislation, this is how policy gets done without public oversight and without elected officials ever getting involved.

What I clipped from the huge stash is enough to give readers an overview of how Jeb Bush's Foundation for Excellence in Education has come to dominate the education agendas in a number of states with its "Chiefs for Change." Below is a list of the Chiefs.

Tony Bennett
Tony Bennett
Florida Commissioner of Education & Chair of Chiefs for Change
Gerard Robinson
Gerard Robinson
Former Florida Commissioner of Education & Member Emeritus
Eric Smith
Eric Smith
Former Florida Commissioner of Education and Executive Director, Chiefs for Change

John White
John White
Louisiana State Superintendent of Education
Paul Pastorek
Paul Pastorek
Former Louisiana State Superintendent of Education & Member Emeritus

Stephen Bowen
Stephen Bowen
Maine Commissioner of Education

Chris Cerf
Chris Cerf
New Jersey Commissioner of Education

Hanna Skandera
Hanna Skandera
New Mexico Public Education Department Secretary-Designate & Vice Chair of Chiefs for Change
Janet Barresi
Janet Barresi
Oklahoma State Superintendent of Public Instruction

Deborah A. Gist
Deborah A. Gist
Rhode Island Commissioner of Elementary & Secondary Education

Kevin Huffman
Kevin Huffman
Tennessee Commissioner of Education
Emails between the Foundation for Excellence in Education (FEE), founded and chaired by former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, and conservative state education officials show that the foundation is writing state education laws and regulations in ways that could benefit its corporate funders. 
The emails seem to describe a project similar to the American Legislative Exchange’s (ALEC) pay-for-play operation. Corporate donors rub shoulders with state education policy makers while FEE moves the corporate-friendly policy agenda. 
The emails, obtained through public records requests, reveal that the organization, sometimes working through its Chiefs For Change affiliate, wrote and edited laws, regulations and executive orders, often in ways that improved profit opportunities for the organization’s financial backers. Bush has been referred to as the “godfather” of Chiefs for Change, an alliance of conservative state superintendents and education department directors with significant authority over purchasing and policy in their states. 
Education has the potential to be an enormous business opportunity and corporate America is looking for a way in. In 2010 Rupert Murdoch, who now has a growing education division called Amplify, said recently that "[w]hen it comes to K through 12 education, we see a $500 billion sector in the U.S.” Amplify is one of FEE’s corporate donors. 
The emails conclusively reveal that FEE staff acted to promote their corporate funders’ priorities, and demonstrate the dangerous role that corporate money plays in shaping our education policy. Correspondence in Florida, New Mexico, Maine, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, and Louisiana paint a graphic picture of corporate money distorting democracy. 
The Portland Press-Herald has reported, the emails were evidence of “a partnership formed between Maine’s top education official and a foundation entangled with the very companies that stand to make millions of dollars from the policies it advocates.” 
The emails paint a cozy picture of influence and, in some cases, actually outsourced policy making that could significantly expand markets for a new generation of for-profit education companies. Rick Ogston, the founder of for-profit online education company E2020, told Reuters last year that they go to FEE and say “these policies are in the way, and it would be great if you could change them.”

In New Mexico, FEE acted as a broker to organize one-on-one meetings between their corporate donors and individual Chiefs. A draft agenda for the Excellence in Action 2011 Summit blocked off two hours for “Chiefs for Change donor meetings” Another draft agenda for the meeting allocated nearly three hours to “Chiefs for Change donor meetings” The donors for the summit included The Walton Family Foundation, Bradley Foundation, GlobalScholar, Target, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Microsoft, State Farm, IQity, McGraw-Hill Education,, Intel, Pearson Foundation, Apex Learning, ETS, Electronic Arts, Koret Foundation, SMART Technologies, K12, Charter Schools USA, and Connections Academy. Demand for donor time was so high that Patricia Levesque wrote that she had to turn down opportunities for the chiefs to meet other representatives from companies. 
Maine Governor LePage proposed FEE written legislation and executive orders that would remove current barriers to creating online K-12 schools and in some cases would require online classes. The so-called barriers included eliminating class size caps and student-teacher ratios, allowing public dollars to flow to online schools and classes and eliminating the ability of local school districts to limit access to virtual schools. 
The Foundation for Educational Excellence also acted as a conduit for ALEC model legislation and policies. LePage’s order originated at ALEC, was tailored for Maine by the FEE and sent to Education Commissioner Stephen Bowen, who subsequently forwarded it to LePage to release unchanged. “Resolution adopting the 10 Elements of High Quality Digital Learning” is a model bill introduced by Arizona Sen. Rich Crandall at the 2011 ALEC Annual Conference. LePage’s executive order originated with the Digital Learning Council, a group co-chaired by Bush and funded by FEE donors K12 Inc, the Pearson Foundation, and McGraw-Hill 
In Florida, FEE helped write legislation that would increase the use of the FCAT, a proprietary test currently under contract to global publishing giant Pearson, an FEE donor.
In February 2012, FEE CEO Patricia Levesque urged state officials to introduce SendHub, a communications tool, into their state's schools. News reports indicate that Jeb Bush was an investor in the start-up by the fall of 2012. Levesque’s income actually comes from her lobbying firm, Meridian Strategies, not FEE. Meridian has several clients that are also FEE donors including I-quity, an online education company and The College Board testing company. 
“These emails show a troubling link between Jeb Bush's effort to lobby for ‘reforms’ through his statewide Foundation for Florida's Future, his national Foundation for Excellence in Education, and the powerful corporations who want access to billions of our tax dollars by reshaping public education policies just to create markets for themselves - none of which is in the best interest of our children,” said Kathleen Oropeza, a Florida parent. 
To read the emails, please visit: http://www.inthepublicinterest.org/node/2747
The first document below shows just one agenda for one of the regularly-scheduled conference call that included the Chiefs.  Note the upcoming meetings, where Chiefs were wined and dined by corporate insiders, salesmen, and other bottom feeders with enough cash to get a meeting (click to enlarge)

Below is a sample email showing dinners being arranged by Eli Brod during one of the many coferences arranged by Bush's FEE. (Click to enlarge)

Below is the "great opportunity for Chiefs" email (click it to enlarge):

Below is a copy of a thank you note from Jeb to the Louisiana Chief, Paul Pastorek.

And below is the check to cover some expenses.