August 12, 2012 - 9:06pm

Just like how Google will deem a site "low quality" for Adwords even if you are ranking #1 for the same terms you want to advertise on organically. Their excuse is that organic results are not used to determine Adwords quality.

Then, they will find some shady website that scraped your RSS feed and jumbled your content in with their spam and use that to accuse you of copyright infringement and exclude you from using Adwords.

Oh, I guess organic results CAN be used to determine Adwords quality...but only if it negatively affects the advertiser.

Just more of the same.

Just like all the unjust bannings of Adwords, Adsense, Youtube accts. etc....Google does whatever they want as long as it turns a profit.

Every once in awhile Google gets a slap on the wrist or a token fine, but overall Google is a large pseudo-government utility company that is allowed to completely monopolize their industry and destroy competition while harming the average consumer.

If you declare bankruptcy or don't pay your credit cards you will destroy your credit but even those black marks are eventually required by law to be removed after a time. Google gives no such mercy...they will mark you, your business and your household for life without any opportunity for reinstatement in any form.

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