Eligibility Year:
Short Story
- Winner (tie): “The Goosle”, Margo Lanagan (The Del Rey Book of Science Fiction and Fantasy)
- Winner (tie): “This Is Not My Story”, Dirk Flinthart (Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #37)
- “Ass-Hat Magic Spider”, Scott Westerfeld (The Starry Rift)
- “Her Collection of Intimacy”, Paul Haines (Black: Australian Dark Culture Magazine #2)
- “Moments of Dying”, Robert Hood (Black: Australian Dark Culture Magazine #1)
- “Pale Dark Soldier”, Deborah Biancotti (Midnight Echo #1)
- “Sammarynda Deep”, Cat Sparks (Paper Cities: An Anthology of Urban Fantasy)
Collected Work
- Winner: Dreaming Again, Jack Dann, ed. (HarperVoyager)
- 2012, Alisa Krasnostein & Ben Payne, eds. (Twelfth Planet Press)
- Black: Australian Dark Culture Magazine, Angela Challis, ed. (Brimstone Press)
- Canterbury 2100: Pilgrimages in a New World, Dirk Flinthart, ed. (Agog! Press)
- Creeping in Reptile Flesh, Robert Hood (Altair Australia Books)
- Midnight Echo, Kirstyn McDermott & Ian Mond, eds. (AHWA)
- The Starry Rift, Jonathan Strahan, ed. (Viking)
William Atheling Jr. Award For Criticism Or Review
- Winner: “Popular Genres and the Australian Literary Community: the Case of Fantasy Fiction”, Kim Wilkins (Journal of Australian Studies)
- “Bad Film Diaries: Sometimes the Brand Burns: Tim Burton and the Planet of the Apes”, Grant Watson (Borderlands #10)
- “Dark Suspense: The End of the Line”, Shane Jiraiya Cummings (Black: Australian Dark Culture Magazine #3)
- “George A. Romero: Master of the Living Dead”, Robert Hood (Black: Australian Dark Culture Magazine #2)
Professional Achievement
- Winner: Angela Challis, for Black: Australian Dark Culture Magazine, and Brimstone Press
- Steve Clark, for Tasmaniac Publications
- Damien Broderick, for fiction editing in Cosmos Magazine
- James Doig, for preserving colonial Australian horror fiction and his anthologies Australian Gothic and Australian Nightmares
- Talie Helene, for her work as AHWA news editor
- Marty Young, for promoting horror through the Australian Horror Writers Association
- “The Gunny Project: A Tribute to Ian Gunn 1959-1998”, Jocko & K'Rin