Showing posts with label Chantele Sedgwick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chantele Sedgwick. Show all posts

Finding the Theme Song-- and I'm being interviewed!

May 19, 2011

Today I'm being interviewed on Chantele Sedgwick's blog! Go check it out and learn more about me (you know...if you're interested. :D) Chantele has a great blog-- her Weird Word Wednesday posts always give me a laugh while expanding my vocabulary.

AND my husband was playing random songs on YouTube yesterday, and this amazing song started. And I went, "OMG, Ash [the MC in Devolutionaries] would love this!" And it became the theme song for Devolutionaries. It's a little scary how excited I am about it. Who knew the story would become a little more real to me with this song? So without further ado, I give you Uprising by Muse. (Sorry, it won't let me embed it.)

So, my friends, do you have theme songs for your stories? Anything you listen to that gets you in the writing mood?

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