Category Archives: Interviews

VoIP solution for small business

Many small businesses tend to lag behind their counterparts in the use of new technologies. Those who do may fail, not only to keep it small and fail to realize the growth potential as early as they had promised, but also to lag behind their smaller competitors. Even small business VoIP solution can not only save small businesses money, but also significantly improve the efficiency of their communications. It is a proven fact that technology can provide a major contribution to growth, regardless of the size of the companies involved, and even in a VoIP network can provide a competitive advantage for small business.

Not only can you enjoy VoIP solution for small business dramatically reduce the size of the phone bill for the company in question, it can also help to reduce phone bills to their customers. VoIP customers can choose the area code that you want to use, so if most of their customers are operating from New York, businesses can offer customers this call at the local level, even if the business is located in Los Angeles.
Whereas a small business solution for the cost of this type of communication can allow them to offer toll free numbers to their customers is more important, a service that until now only economical for large corporations. How is that for a competitive advantage? In many business image is everything and its VoIP solution for small businesses to compete with the big boys is a great incentive to adopt this new technology. This is not all that offers small business VoIP solution, however. There is also the advantage that providing VoIP phone for sales personnel to allow them to communicate with the Office, and every other company employees were issued with free VoIP handset regardless of distance.
Small business VoIP solutions for telecommunications, like all other VoIP applications, involve communication through the internet, the communication can be done by using the software and hardware that is suitable for IP use, such as a PC, laptop, palm computer, PDA, Bluetooth and other technologies suitable for internet transfer packetized and acceptance. By using VoIP technology solutions for small business, small businesses can eventually compete with the company’s corporate network at the speed and flexibility of communications. Conference call that integrates web-based voice and video presentations other technologies can be arranged at the click of a button, and the customer can be pleased with the company’s technology small business price.
Small business VoIP solution is available to media for a small company, and the structure of the system of simple networks can easily be included due to intrinsic to the internet and web-related technologies involved. This makes facilities available to small businesses that had previously been the domain of large companies who only can afford it. With customized VoIP solution for small business, companies of any size can tag communication as one more step not only competes with the big companies, but more advanced than their counterparts in efficiency and speed of image communication, responding to requests and questions. After all, if you can communicate with colleagues in Japan more quickly and at lower cost than your competitors can be with Boston, what chance does he have? Small business VoIP solutions designed specifically for You can achieve this as standard-is not an option that’s expensive!

An Interview with Cassandra Rose Clarke

Allow me to take you back in time to the distant date of February 2nd, 2013.

I read a book.

I raved about a book.

That book was The Mad Scientist’s Daughter. Its author is one Cassandra Rose Clarke. Upon finishing the book I emailed John DeNardo of SF Signal and pleaded in my most obsequious voice to please be allowed to interview her for the site. He graciously agreed, made the arrangements, and I had the distinct pleasure of conducting said interview.

That interview in its entirety is now LIVE at SF Signal. Clarke was a lot of fun to interview and I would like to invite you to come on over, read the interview and join in on the conversation. Best part is: no spoilers for The Mad Scientist’s Daughter.

So come on, what are you waiting for? Let’s go see what makes this author tick.

Let ‘er RIP: A Interview with Jennifer Gordon

(Butterfly Girl II)

Our wonderful art hostess for RIP V, Jennifer Gordon, has once again graciously agreed to sit in the interview chair. I have been a fan of Jennifer Gordon’s work for the past few years, and in that time she has also grown into a good friend. I appreciate so much that she allows me to use her always ethereal, sometimes gothic, art to accompany the R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril challenge. If you haven’t had the pleasure of partaking of my previous interviews with Jennifer, here are the links:

An Interview with Jennifer Gordon

Jennifer Gordon on the Gothic Muse and All Hallow’s Eve

And with no further ado, heeeeere’s Jennifer Gordon:

Continue reading Let ‘er RIP: A Interview with Jennifer Gordon

An Interview with Lisa Snellings

Though October has come to an end, the spirit of the season has not yet died away within my soul. One of the things I have been looking forward to for a long, long time is the opportunity to interview Lisa Snellings. Lisa is an artist whose work both artistically and through her blog has had a tremendous influence on my life, particularly the parts of me that I share via this blog and my online relationships. The variety and creativity showcased in her creations makes her an artist that I am continually aware of, wondering what she will be making next. I had determined during the last R.I.P. Challenge that I was going to make sure to include Lisa Snellings more in this year’s challenge…so it couldn’t be more fitting to end this incredibly well attended third R.I.P. Challenge with an interview, a sale, and some giveaways from Lisa Snellings.

Without further adieu, I give you Lisa Snellings.

Continue reading An Interview with Lisa Snellings

A Fabulous Melancholy: An Interview with Anne-Julie Aubry

(The Red Room)

Earlier in the year I had hoped to feature an interview with Anne-Julie Aubry but periods of heavy work on both sides of the world and the extra effort Anne-Julie has to make for translation from French to English meant that this had to be put off until another time. In my previous feature on the art of Anne-Julie Aubry I mentioned that she designates the art on her site under the categories of ‘dark’ and ‘whimsical’ and although I enjoy both I am more drawn to the darker, more melancholic art. In thinking about this it came to me that featuring her interview during the R.I.P. III Challenge couldn’t be more perfect, especially as it would give me an opportunity to showcase some of her latest work and review some favorite darker images.

In addition to sharing some of her thoughts with us Anne-Julie Aubry has graciously donated some items for a giveaway mentioned at the end of this post AND is offering a special deal for one week only for readers of this very post.

“A Fabulous Melancholy” isn’t a comment on the very sweet Anne-Julie Aubry, it is a statement of how her work makes me feel. Come along and see for yourself…

Continue reading A Fabulous Melancholy: An Interview with Anne-Julie Aubry