Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Sassy Cheryl Show Me #75

This week has flown by and I wanted to share with the Sassy Cheryl gang what has been going on at my house this past week!  We aren't REALLY under construction, but doing a lot of cleaning and facelifts.
 Here's a before photo of my crafting room

Here's the "in progress" photo of my crafting room.

My DH has been going through the entire house (except the kitchen which is wallpaper) and painting!  What a guy!  He left this room until the end since I'm wanting to have some additional work done in here.  He's also going to replace the door and trim.  I've even bought new sheers for the window.  So far, I'm not finding the curtains that I want to put in this room.  Okay, if I HAVE TO, I will pull out my sewing machine and actually use it to make curtains.  But ONLY as a last resort!! :)

Together DH and I chose a cheery yellow for the bedrooms.  We both really like it so far.  He's been a really good sport about it all.  I guess I better come up with a super nice "Thank You" for all of his hard work, huh?

Be sure you stop by Cheryl's blog and check out what's been going on this week.  Why not take a quick photo and share with us as well.  You just might win a free Sassy Cheryl image!


kiwimeskreations said...

What a revamp - it's looking fabulous!!

Shirley said...

Cynthia, I love cheery yellow and made a committment after painting over a burgundy bedroom, that cheery yellow was a dark as I was ever going again. Your crafting space is already looking awesome. Love the wall mounted countertops.

Sassy Cheryl said...

See, before I even read the part about pulling out your sewing machine, I was just thinking that. Since I no longer sew, that's where I run into problems when I can't find something that I want.
This is FABULOUS! Too bad you don't live closer, I bought a very similar color for one of the rooms in our house and Terry didn't like it, so it's actually still sitting in the garage. LOL That's a WHOLE other story.
I'm loving these before and after photos and yippee on getting things organized and 'revamped. :)
Thanks for sharing this week!