It's so wonderful to see the harbingers of Spring! Did you see my post about The First Bloom of 2016? The first one always makes me think of Song of Solomon 2:12. (I prefer the Authorized King James Version.)
"the flowers appear on the earth;
the time of the singing of birds is come,
and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land"
This year, that beautiful verse inspired a series of three plaques. I hope you can visit often and see all three! Here is the first one!
Please let me tell you about the *FREE* materials I am using for PART 1 of this project!
We are currently re-modeling our kitchen. WHEW!
First comes DE-struction, then comes CON-struction.
The destruction phase included ripping out a pantry and these boards were part of the shelving. They each measure 11.25 inches by 14.5 inches.
JACKPOT, right? Totally free, right? ;-)
I didn't even have to salvage them from anywhere but my own kitchen!
I gave three of them a quick coat of off white paint. (only two made it into the photograph)
When phone books were left in our driveway this year, I almost tossed them immediately into the recycle bin. Does anyone use those anymore? 'So glad my hoarding habits kicked in and made me keep them in my craft room! ;-) The pages look like newsprint to me.
Jackpot, right? Totally free, right? ;-)
A couple of pages were ripped out of their books and glued onto each of the shelving boards using children's regular ol' white glue.
Next, I played with some scraps of paper and cardstock. Using a leaf and snowflake punch along with a stencil and pair of scissors, leaf and flower shapes were punched and snipped. There really wasn't a plan, just cutting whatever leaves or flowers seemed pretty at the moment. Then I scattered them across the board.
Next, I created this FREE PRINTABLE for Song of Solomon 2:12a. It's printed on wide rule notebook paper. I wanted the look to be kind of raw, so I cut each word separately.
White glue holds everything in place.
I love that it appears a bit haphazard, like the first buds of Spring. Some here, a few over there, scattered among the winter debris.
Spring will be arriving very soon! I'll be ready for it! ;-) What is your favorite thing about Spring?
Please come back in a couple of days to see
Part 2 of Spring Plaques Inspired by Song of Solomon 2:12!
;-) -Marci