Showing posts with label experience. Show all posts
Showing posts with label experience. Show all posts

Monday, January 21, 2013

bad experienced @ kunang-kunang restaurant


last weekend (yesterday actually..ekekek:D) , we went to kunang2 restaurant for's hubby pleasure..somehow rather what we planned is not going as it is..*sigh..

the purpose i'm sharing this just to alert my readers in case u have a plan to go there..i'm not restrict you to go there but i'm advising u and telling u what will going to happen and pls expect that.

~ok..we reached there @9pm wth a GAY (means HAPPY) mood..~

~after 15 minutes, our drinks were served..~

 ~its mine..the RM1 warm water..i can say it is a small size glass..mine is bigger than this tho..~

~still in a good mood despite hungry-ness..grrr...~
~photoshooting activities are still running ;)~
~and also cam-whoring..hikss ^_^ ~
~after 20 minutes..hubby's meal is's our luck becoz the chef is actually cooking for the earlier customer and it was same as what hubby shot serving...~

after 5 minutes, french fries is me n hubby were chit chatting and eating and photoshooting..i realized tht it is now passed 35 minutes and at tht time hubby has finished his meal..and the fries is about to finish too..but where is my meal??? in fact, there are few tables didn't get their orders is pity to saw children lying on the chair and waiting sleepily..and some have slept anyway..

5 minutes later, i couldn't stand anymore and decided to cancel my order..the staff called his manager and we proceed to the cashier counter for payment..and..know what..he not even say SORRY to us! no manners at all..and this is malaysians?? or they just don't bother because we are malaysian too?? if yes..then you had lost 3 customers in a night..

i've been informed that it is new management of Kunang2..they just operate last 2 weeks..and this is how they serve their customer..good job!

Friday, July 1, 2011

withdraw duit kt ATM, duit xkeluar tp account deducted..


yuhuuu..ade lg ke org kt sini..hehe..haih..sejak dh dok tpt baru sementara ni mmg xde can la nk jenguk blog..apetah lagi nk bw..thanks to all readers yg xjemu2 jenguk sini.. :)

Ok aku nk share 1 kes yg happened last weekend..aku g dating2 lagi ngn aQeel..hubby ade program company dia buat kt Taman berdua2an ngn aQeel je dia g Sunway Pyramid yg dh lama giler xjejak walaupun sekangkang kera je dr umah..main reason adlh nk g butik Guess..ok dipendekkan cite..lps dh shopping2 bagai..aku nk g withdraw duit kt CIMB atm..1st attempt dia hang..tetiba je kuar kad n appeared kt screen machine out of service..haih..sabo jek.then cuba kt atm sblh dia plak..success..but then aku check balance..Allahuakbar..dia deduct account aku utk 1st transaction yg failed tadi..both transaction aku kuarkan rm300..account deduct RM600 tp aku dpt rm300 jek..haaa xke buat2 cool la..just call je customer service n report..then dia advice utk amik atm machine ID, take note time and date of transaction then pegi ke mana2 branch CIMB buat official report..means siap kena isi borang sume...dorang akn buat verification and within 3 days duit reimburse balik dlm account..alhamdulillah..efficient jgk service CIMB ni yek..pd yg 1st time kena mcm aku ni..jgn panik ok..dont worry..yakin pd rezeki Allah :)

1st thing yg aku fikir bila kena ni..muhasabah diri jap..aku baru beli henbeg rm300..and duit yg ‘lesap’ tu 300 jgk..xberkat ke duit yg aku guna buat beli henbeg tu..laki aku xredha ke aku beli henbeg rs dh minta permission and so on..but then after all the effort..aku tawakal pd Allah..andai duit tu masih rezeki aku..pasti aku akn dpt balik..kalau mmg ditakdirkan Allah nk tarik rezeki aku tu, aku redha…smga terhapus segala dosa2 kecil aku dgn dugaan tu..

Alhamdulillah..syukur rezeki itu masih milik aku..sesungguhnya setiap rezeki yg Kau kurniakan pdku adlh milik-Mu..Kau berhak utk member dan menarik semula segala kurniaan-Mu..smga aku sntiasa menjadi hambaMu yg xpnh lupa utk bersyukur..

ok..meh layan sket gbr aQeel..lama xstory pasal dia kan :)

 ~mula2 naik ferry wheel ni..gayat xberapa sgtla..masih bole tolerate maybe sbb dia di tgh2 shopping complex..~

 ~then naik train plak..aQeel sgt suka la naik mende alah ni..sbb dia bole drive..dia mmg excited bab2 drive ni..hehe~

 ~pastu naik elephant pusing2 floor dia dpn ade driver sbnr yg bawa..~

~even 3 games je tp lama jgk each game kira puas la utk ank2 menikmati mainan2 tu..kena beli tiket kt kaunter..average RM4-RM6 per mmg berbaloi bg aku sbb masa dia lama..:)~

alhamdulillah..we really had fun that day..aQeel pn behave sgt..good boy ank ibu..syukur pd-Mu ya Allah atas rezeki dan nikmat yg Kau kurniakan..

Friday, February 11, 2011

bila rezeki itu ditetapkan utk kita..terima kasih Gieyana79.blogspot


1stly...wajib utk aku bersyukur pd nikmat dan rezeki Allah..n rezeki yg ni mmg aku sgt tidak sangka..aku dgn excited meneka new famili members sahabat ni..mmg sahabat ni kata xde hadiah..aku teka pn bkn sbb sbb excited bila ade shbt2 yg tmbah new gadget especially related to DSLR..hehe..n who knows..Allah telah bukakan pintu hati dia utk bg aku hadiah..that is why kita kena sentiasa bersyukur pd Allah dan yakin dgn setiap rezeki Nya..

thanks babe for ur n3..terharu aku..siap besday wish lagi..hiks..besday kita pn dekat2 jgk..aku pn nk wish in advance wei..happy besdayyyyyy to u :D aku sayang ko...may our frenship remains n never can end..insyaAllah..terima kasih utk doa ko utk aku..aku jgk doakan ko n family sentiasa di dlm lindungan rahmatNya..

picnic @ pantai morib


konon2 nk g gold coast mcm pelik gold coast resort tu mcm under construction..mcm belum siap pn ye promotion dia mcm dh meluas..bape byk mcm daaa..ekeke:D anyway..last 2 weeks kami berpicnic n bersantai2 di pantai morib..last time aku pegi sini 20 yrs back..perghh giler lama xjejak kt sini..huhu..

as expected mmg lengang..xde org..pantai ni mcm dh mula dikomersil still xdpt tarik org rmaai utk berkunjung kt situ..ntah la nape..xmcm PD..sgt happening even tho keadaan pantai lebih kurang jek..maybe sbb xbyk aktiviti riadah yg ade..bkn xbyk..mmg xde lgsung.ekekek:D mcm bot banana floater tu sume xde kt klu utk rest mind mmg sesuai sgt..sbb xde peaceful la..hehe..apepun kami mmg had fun..

 ~besela..aQeel buat keje feveret dia..~

 ~aku bertapa je dlm khemah..sambil mkn bekalan..ekekek:D~

 ~see lengang kan..~

 ~skodeng 2 banak..aiyak..xmenarik btl pemandangan blakang tu..haih..~

 ~siyes aku geli giler ngn lubang2 ketam ni..huhu~

 ~sgt sonot tgk my heroes had fun playing together :) luvly moment..~

 ~aQeel selamba jek amik fish tu n throw into the beach..ekeek:D ~

 ~castle in construction..ekeke;D~

tamat sudaaaa..alhamdulillah..syukur dgn kebahagiaan ini..syukur pd nikmatMu..

p/s: esok testing new lense..weeeee :D

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

malang yg tdk berbau..aku terkena minyak panas :(


huhu..aku perlukan petua nk ilangkan kesan kena minyak panas..haih..xsangka food yg sedap membawa bencana pada penggorengnya..huhu..redha je la..Allah bg ujian kt aku..dia tarik sket kecantikan yg xseberapa ni..

alkisah aku teringin nk cuba goreng popia the time aku nk angkat je popia tu..tetiba dia meletup n pecah kulit popia tu..xsume ..just 1-2 ketul percikannya sgtla kena la kt muka aku n tgn..mmg byk..ngeri plak aku nk ingt balik..on the spot aku tutup api dapur, g toilet lap sket minyak tu ngn air..n terus lumur ngn ubat gigi..nk kasi dia sejuk..but..a day after that mula dh nmpk kesan dia..time kena tu just merah2 jek..n hr ni lg worst..jadi itam..huhu..sape ade idea pasal kesan ni? bole ilang ke ek..huhu..dh jmpa doktor n dia bg krim..dia kata mmg akn berparut..i was planned to try aloevera gel yg contains vit-E..

ade sape2 pnh kena yg dasyat camni x? ok meh aku tunjuk kesan dia..

~teruk kan :( pedih tau..especially yg kat dahi tu..huhu..~

a day before kejadian sempat shooting2 kt UIA..hehe..

~aQeel dh pndai buat peace :p~

p/s: bersyukurla dgn ape yg kita ada..
p/s2: anje...nnt kt email gbr balqis ok..tgh resize
p/s3: bz hr ni slps mc 1 hari smlm..

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

in progress


ina ptam copy

in progress! :)

p/s: autopublished..hehe..aku sedang bertraining skang blog hopping..huhu..

Monday, December 21, 2009

pengalaman itu berulang kembali


author note: last time i’ve been punished by this kind of punishment was back 20 years ago..when i was in primary school..n recently i’ve been punished during my master’s..adeii…shame on me:p

hmm…last saturday, me n few of my classmate have been locked..nothing extraordinary huh? but the thing is we’ve been locked from inside..means tht we’re outside the lecture room..

actually it was happened unexpectedly..whereby..when i was passing the class room, the door is still open..but i’ve decided not to enter the class room yet since the lecturer was not there…(whispering inside: eh lecturer ni lg lmbt rupenye..:p) ..on my way to the toilet, i hv to pass by a discussion area..where were my colleague was gossiping lepaking..n me also join the group n we were discuss something related to our managerial economics was few minutes discussion anyway..and i’m heading to the toilet just to wash my hand..surprisingly, when we want to enter the class room, it was locked from inside..and we can hear sounds of laughing..hmmmm..

to cut it short..(if am not mistaken, almost half an hour we’ve been locked..dlm hati dh riang ria nk balik jek..ekeke;p) the lecturer was asking our fren inside to sms us..if we want to get in..find out the way..still in blur mode, we asked mak guard to open the door..n we’ve been told that the lecturer was punish us for coming late to the class…hellooo..we were earlier than the lecturer ok..huh..seriously we were mad..but thinking of the power of the lecturer..sabo je la..we dont want to be ‘failed’…

mcm ni pnya lecturer pn ada ka..if they want to punish us for our mistake, it doesnt matter..but b4 doing hv to be punctual la at the 1st place….but then..just think in a positive way…he is our lecturer n we already take n share his knowledge..smga dihalalkan segala ilmu..amin..


~bkn dgn mereka ini aku dikunci sekadar gbr ler gengs aku yg pling rapat..kitorang 1 class since our 1st sem....seme otak giler2 gk..xde ler boring kami nk mengabiskan lecturer yg more than 5 hrs tu kan..lecturer ngajo..kami dok kruk krak kruk krak..mkn jajan..ekeke:p~

p/s: sekadar luahan perasaan yg pd mulanya sgt xpueh towards the end..redha…ujian dr Allah..

p/s2: curious gk..dh last class b4 the exam..dia baru nk buat punishment cenggini..but thanks to him least..during my last semester..i was given a chance to experience it..hehe..:p

p/s3: terasa mcm zaman study degree jek..time jadi student mmg cenggitu le layanannya..maklum ler..bdk2 lg masa tu..muda remaja gitu..ahaksss

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

my 1st ever wedding photoshoot

heehehe..korang nk tgk ke hasil tembakan poyographer yg sgt la beginner ...ekeke:p pls jgn compare dgn professional photog 1st time aku n hubby amik gbr org kawen..tu pn seb bek adik ipaq..tantek ke x dia kena paksa ckp tantek gk..ekekek:p with no extra flash, no specific ni je la yg mampu terhasil :D
ok layanssss..
~xde sunset..sunrise pn la plak nk g kuala amik gmbo sunset:p~
ok tamat sudah show..hehe..juling dh ke mata? ekeke:p
p/s: smlm aku EL..sbb tu blog aku sunyi sepi..hanya ade autopublished n3..hehe..
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