Christian nationalism is different from fundamentalism?
Just how lost can these people be? How lost can they be to put down in black and white that they believe in revisionist history?
Not that which did happen, but that which they believe should have happened.
The original idea of church and state separation, was to keep the state out of the church's affairs.
My, oh my, how that one's been dumped on its ear?
Stuff like this is so totally depressing to me.
I've got fundies, and other deep believers in my own family. I really do try to get into their heads and minds and fathom just where they are, and who they are, and how they can think the way that they do. And all the while it's oh so obvious to me that if they'd been presented with something else, then that's what they'd be basing their lives on.
How come this is as plain as day to me? And, oh so totally lost on the millions of "true believers" out there.
Their mindset is so totally perplexing and alien to me.
And this from someone who spent ten years on two continents in catholic schools.
How is it that I never connected with any of it? Not from the first minute as a five-year old, that I set foot inside a catholic school door and was directed to turn to page 1 and start chanting from the catechism? I simply don't have an answer for it.
The closest I can get is that we're predisposed to whatever it is in life that we're predisposed to. If we come with a religious gene, then I guess we come with a religious gene.
And corrollary to this, beliefs hinge on which region of the planet we were born in.
How could it possibly be any other way?
The strife and the muddle will continue.
by biglot on Fri May 12, 2006 at 09:01:45 AM EST