Re: Drudge Targets Chris Rock as Oscar Host (none / 0) (#6)
by Talkleft Visitor on Tue Feb 15, 2005 at 04:44:24 AM EST
So you don't think Rock's statements about gay people are worth condemning? It's not censorship if a private entity disaproves of speech - as a lawyer, I would have thought TL would understand that. The only reason that the left won't criticize Chris Rock is the cognitive dissonance that's caused by a black person (can't criticize him) bashing gays (must criticize the bashing). The entire left is paralyzed by this, unable to figure out what it means. Meanwhile, those of us who insist on judging people w/o regard to skin color have no trouble identifying Rock for what he is - a mysogynistic homophobe. One other thing - you don't think that Rock's bashing of the academy itself might enter into his qualification to host the Oscars?

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