Re: 5 Years for Passing a Joint: Stop this Bill No (none / 0) (#27)
by TomK on Fri Apr 15, 2005 at 10:28:23 AM EST
No, thats not true. As long as we act like we accept a lot of the drug war BS is true, we'll never win. As long as people's fundemental notions (formed by almost a century of yellow journalism on the topic) of drugs are unchallenged, reform will never happen. Why you people so ametuerish at framing these debates. You guys have no idea how to properly frame this issue. Sometimes I see some promise from a few of you, but you guys jut take their terminology and run with it. It's because we are more capable of logical thought, so we easily adopt to their language, but take framing seriously. The issue you should be discussing isn't "should adults smoke pot around kids?" but "Should kids have their (better educated, better paid) parents taken away in middle of the night raids by stormtroopers for smoking a harmless plant that has never killed anyone?"

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