Re: 5 Years for Passing a Joint: Stop this Bill No (none / 0) (#53)
by john horse on Fri Apr 15, 2005 at 05:54:23 PM EST
One aspect of our drug laws that needs more attention is the way they help to create a parasite society. The overwhelming majority of those who are locked up are poor and/or minorities, who tend to vote Democratic. They are sent to and provide jobs in prisons in white rural counties, which tend to vote Republican. While there, these counties can count prisoners for census purposes, allowing these counties to get more federal funds and in some cases preventing these underpopulated counties from having to be reapportioned. In a parasite society you want to live off the host but not kill the host. Harsher drug laws are perfect for this purpose in that they ensure a constant supply of prisoners because of the popularity of recreational drug use. Decriminalization of our drug laws would cause these parasites to have to go cold turkey on their dependence on these repressive laws. However, I think they should take the cure because in the long run it would do them and the rest of us some good.

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