John - There are many things in life that I disagree with that I don't run around protesting. It is called focus, also known as pick your battles. Also known as "having a life to live." The right to use conscious altering drugs is not something that inspires me to rush into the streets protesting. In many people's minds, pot use is lumped into the same category as coke, heroin, speed, etc. And please, spare me the lecture about that not being true. That isn't the point. The point is, that is what people believe. All addictive drugs cause problems in society. Some more than others. Some are acceptable to most (alcohol) but not all. Tobacco less so as we start to understand just how destructive it is on a long term basis. And yes, pot is addictive. If it wasn't, people would not risk legal problems to obtain and use it. The rsik/reward factor is skewed way over towards risk, demonstrating the complusion involved. Obviously the sales side is driven by a desire to make money. One of the larger problems is that is difficult to define sales vs use due to people reselling a small amount to help recover the cost. So you can fight this battle by yourself, and spare me the use of the famous Holocaust quote. The situations are not even in the same book, much less on the same page.

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