Prisons are getting more and more overcrowded and crime isn't going down. So who's in prison? Poor people who can't afford an expensive lawyer to get them off. It isn't that the poor commit more crime than the rich, in fact I'd bet it was opposite. But the poor can't afford competent council so they are more likely to be convicted. The rich can afford the best lawyers, so they are far more likely to get away with their crime without paying any consequences. Now think about this; who do you think is more likely to vote Democratic? The poor. Who is more likely to vote Republican? The rich. This isn't about crime, it's about politics. If we lock up all the poor as felons and strip them of their voting rights, the only voters left will be Republican voters. Game, set, match, a permanent Republican majority in government. If they could, they'd make it a federal crime just for being a liberal. You say the system doesn't work. The Republicans believe the system is working perfectly.

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