Re: Too Soon to Bash John G. Roberts (none / 0) (#23)
by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:01:25 PM EST
BB, I think TL was mostly responding to attacks that have already been made on Roberts, and counseling restraint until the facts are in. Funny you find that a bad thing. The sad thing is that even though Andreas' post does sound a little off the wall, Bush has such a history of nominating lunatics to judicial positions that--were you uninformed--it might be a pretty safe bet to oppose a nomination based on the fact that Bush was the nominator. But we should confirm Roberts swiftly and enthusiastically. Then Bush can't cry about how the mean democrats won't confirm anybody he nominates when it comes to the fight over Willie's seat. Also, the Bushies are looking for ANYTHING to get Rovegate out of the news cycle, and Roberts (I believe) worked for Ken Starr. Pundits never tire of talking about Ken Starr and felonious fellatio, and if the dems start mounting serious opposition, that's all we'll hear about. Plus, as has already been said, this is the best we're going to get...and even if he is anti-Rove V. Wade, a fight now will go a long way toward making sure that the next seat is filled by someone who will make Thomas look like Marshal

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