Re: A Strange Kind of Freedom (none / 0) (#15)
by squeaky on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:40 PM EST
pw-you must have a special hot line to the DOD. The DOD has not portrayed the event as only a
a memorial walk starting at the pentagon crash site for the folks that died in the attack on the pentagon (including the passengers of flight 77) four years ago today.
A private memorial would do just fine for what you are pushing here, not an exclusive event on the Washington Mall. The event happened four years ago, your sappy analogy
I just want you to picture how you would feel memorializing your dead family, friends...
is not appropriate here. This is clearly a political event meant to counter the anti-war movement. The DOD has said:
The event, the America Supports You Freedom Walk, is billed as a memorial to victims of the 2001 terrorist attacks and a show of support for those serving in the military, topped off with a concert by country singer Clint Black, known for his pro-troops anthem, "Iraq and Roll."

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