Re: Should the Duke Accuser's Name be Published No (none / 0) (#50)
by january on Tue Apr 18, 2006 at 09:29:07 AM EST
I don't think anyone would deny that rape is a highly charged issue. Domestic violence is also, and to a lesser extent sexual harassment, and there is no question that laws should be on the books to acknowledge these issues as crimes and give victims some recourse. That said, it saddens me that some of my sisters have chosen to use accusations of sexual harassment, domestic violence, and rape as tools to achieve their own ends, whether they are true victims or not. And, Libby, in the case of rape, that's not a "shame," that's a crime. You've all seen this or experienced it, so you all know it happens. Such accusations are effective precisely because they will follow those accused for the rest of their lives, justified or not. My thoughts on the specific question asked here are that nobody should be tried in the media - accuser or accused. Absent anonymity for all parties, however, I'd just vote for equal treatment. If those accused get their names in the papers, so do the accusers.

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