Re: If the War Spreads: Will We See a Draft? (none / 0) (#26)
by ras on Sun Jul 16, 2006 at 10:41:18 PM EST
Jen, explain why flag burning and gay marriage issues are cosidered so important in congress then. The flag burning amendment? It was defeated, I thought. Can I charitably presume you meant to use the past tense? [alright, then, I will!] Anyway, it's an emotional hot button for some folks. But not for me, which was my pt to Glanton about stereotyping. Ditto gay marriage, altho in that case the issue is more one of pre-empting judges who want to legislate from the bench. It could easily be called the "we think our judiciary no longer respects its role" amendment. But again. Glanton chose to stereotype. If he were correct, I would not have written what I did, and ditto again for the other issues he cited. Stereotyping is counterproductive and often downright harmful; it needs to be resisted.

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