Apples and oragnes are both fruit (none / 0) (#16)
by Dadler on Sat Mar 22, 2008 at 01:51:18 PM EST
Car exhaust kills, it is carbon monoxide.  And we all impose it on others -- all of us. Tobacco is used by the government to give us the ILLUSION of protection, when many things, like cars, which are considered economically indispensible, are allowed to foul the air fairly freely, because we supposedly can't do WITHOUT that pollution.  Also, in second hand smoke studies, explain how they exclude the effects of chemicals NOT in cigarettes that people are exposed to every day?  Yes, the tobacco industry isn't exactly pleasant, but there are many other industries that are much worse and infinitely less regulated.

After having done my homework on the fat/cholesterol scam being perpretrated by medicine, and the largely untested drugs being given to people to treat this nonexistent epidemic.  Second-hand smoke, for the most part, is an equally spurious problem.  Of course, for some people, a small number I'd guess, it is a problem.  But not one that needs to censor art in the name of "safety".  Hell, yesterday I had trouble finding a bag of marbles for my son.  They toy store manager said stuff like that is considered a hazard now.

What isn't a hazard to a living creature?


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