The work of Case and Deaton (5.00 / 1) (#64)
by KeysDan on Wed Mar 29, 2017 at 01:33:25 PM EST
add, considerably, to the conversation.  However, definitive understandings of selectively rising mortality need continued study and assurances that the data are not misinterpreted.

 It is interesting to note that mortality rates of adults with only a high school education for certain, difficult to prevent illnesses (e.g., cancer of gall bladder, multiple sclerosis) are no higher than for adults with a college education. But, much higher for for highly preventable causes of deaths, such as lung cancer, accidents, suicides, and risky and unhealthy behaviors.

The idea of restoring jobs of the 1950s, such as those good coal mining jobs are as viable as restoring the buggy-whip industry. And, putting the country's demographics into reverse is equally untenable.  

Trump's seeming reliance on the white working class's resentment of the poor and minorities, whom are stereotyped as welfare queens, taking their tax money and/or jobs, is no solution.

 And, the mindset that welfare has corrupted the poor, so the best idea is to cut welfare and give the money in tax cuts to the job creators is but tired Republicanism.  But, this is to be the Trump way, based on the ideas of the failed Trumpcare and the destructive Trump budget blueprint.

To address the situation will take more, not less, government assistance and support.  Taking away health insurance or states denying expansion of Medicaid, or devaluing preventative health, or eliminating mental health care represents the antithesis of reversing the mortality rates.


Trump will bring (none / 0) (#75)
by MKS on Thu Mar 30, 2017 at 01:47:53 PM EST
back blacksmith jobs.  He will bring back demand for horseshoes.


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