Weekend Reading Suggestion: (5.00 / 4) (#10)
by KeysDan on Fri Mar 03, 2023 at 04:28:27 PM EST
"The Courage to be Free", Florida's Blueprint for America, by Rhonda Santis.  

Not the snappiest title, but less subject to ribald jokes than Pompeo's "Never Give an Inch."

And, the DeSantis book cover has the added and rare occasion of the smiling author(the shoot must have had the photographer show DeSantis pictures of a baby seal being clubbed).

Reviews have not been kind to Rhonda's Opus, but I refer the reader to the WaPo's Alexantra Petra for a good take.

 DeSantis humanizes himself by mentioning he has a wife, children and acquaintances and sets the pace with the page turner:  "In Florida, we recognized the implications of the ESG movement on both policy and constitutional accountability by prohibiting the state's pension fund managers from using ESG criteria when making investment decisions." And, of course, cleverly describes Democrats as "woke dumpster fires."

He does not mention his stellar appointment to the College Board after his hostile takeover--the one who says LGBTQ are evil and drinking the tap water turns people gay.

Overall, my review would borrow from Dorothy Parker's review of Atlas Shrugged. "This is not a novel to be tossed aside lightly.  It should be thrown with great force."

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