Showing posts with label goals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label goals. Show all posts


Just Be

"A single word can be a powerful thing. It can be the ripple in the pond that changes everything. It can be sharp and biting or rich and soft and slow."
-Ali Edwards

Kristi at Everything is Pink has inspired me (and a lot of others) to choose a word to focus on for 2008.

My word for this year is:Some of the things I want to be:

be nice - I struggle with this one. I think because I say things bluntly, I come across as rude. I could probably say things a little bit nicer. Especially to those I don't know. Those I do know, deal with it. Just kidding. See there I go... this one will be a challenge.
be organized - I'm pretty organized, but I think there is always room for improvement. I could organize my life and days better and more consistently. Dinner menus, shopping lists, daily activities, etc...
be healthier - I need to be better at exercising and eating better foods. Eating a sleeve of Oreos and chasing it with a Coke is not a good lunch. Or dinner.
be calm - I think this one is important. And it ties in with President Hinckley's be still below. My mind runs a million miles a minute, and sometimes I need to slow it down a bit and enjoy life. When it takes three hours to fall asleep because I'm thinking of everything I need to do for the next 7 1/2 years, I know I need to CALM IT DOWN!
be happy - I need to be happier. I need to be happy even when my house isn't the absolute cleanest house in the entire universe. I struggle with this one.
be gracious - I need to be polite. Oh, is this one going to be hard. I do think that there are limits when it comes to graciousness. I don't mind your kids pulling out all of the toys to play with them, but the minute they stand on my coffee table and are eating a cookie in my family room, if you don't take care of it, I sure as hell will.
be productive - Sometimes I find my days are not as productive as they could be. I need to have a better plan and execute the plan.
be compassionate - Reach out to those who are in need of a friend, or a meal, or a phone call. Maybe pay more attention to those whom I can serve.
be sympathetic - I lack in the sympathy department, especially when it comes to my husband being sick. When I'm sick, I still have to clean poop out of the bathtub... thanks Brett. When my husband is sick, it means he is going to wither and die and absolutely cannot get up to get a drink of water. I also lack in sympathy to those who I think make bad choices, even without knowing their full story.
be prepared - Work on obtaining my food storage. Learn how to make something edible with the food storage obtained. Have emergency preparedness kits.
be cool - My husband just told me I need to write this one down. Either I'm uncool, or I just need to be cooler. I'm not really sure which.

These are in addition to President Hinckley's 9 Be's, which are:

be positive - I don't need to say anything negative about anything. Avoid being around negative people, as it wears off on me and brings me down.
be still - I need to really stop and smell the roses and appreciate the little things in my life. Listen to promptings. Meditate. Take things at a slower pace. Get more sleep. I don't have to do a million things at once.
be involved - Do many different things, but don't get overwhelmed.
be grateful - For what I have. Especially the smallest of things.
be smart - Educate my mind and my hands.
be clean - Avoid evil talk. Watch my language, or my kid is going to be the one who swears at church.
be true - To my own convictions, be faithful and loyal
be humble - Learn to ask for and accept help from others when I need it. This one is hard for me. Realize that I'm not invincible.
be prayerful - Say my prayers daily. Show thanks to the Lord. Read my scriptures.

I've got a big year ahead of me.

What is your word for 2008?