My son, Jack, started eighth grade this year. It's cool to be in the big dog grade of junior high, but not so cool to be the last one to eat. By the time 1 pm rolls around, he is starving. With his late lunch period in mind, I need to ensure he has a breakfast that will take him through the day. Granola makes for a tasty, substantial first meal that provides a base of energy to last several hours. And teenagers burn energy. Sometimes, I feel like I'm shoveling coal into the engine of a locomotive in the 19th century.
Pardon the digression...on to the taste. What is it about the combination of chocolate and coffee? While each is great on its own, they bring out the best in each other when paired---kind of like two great actors. And when surrounded by a capable ensemble, including a star turn by dried cherries, the chemistry is delicious. And the bonus at the bottom of the bowl-- mocha milk☺.