Showing posts with label Grapefruit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grapefruit. Show all posts


Kale Salad with Radishes, Grapefruit and Candied Pepitas

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This is called Kale Salad, but it should be called Candied Pepitas Salad. Those nutty and sweet little devils make this salad really come together. In fact, I wouldn't make it without them. They are that essential to it, at least for me.  Make a double batch and then serve some more on the side.

Now, let's talk about the other ingredients. Kale, the curly kind, is a unique green. On its own, it is tough, and that's why it can stand up in soups, stews, and longer cooking times. What about raw in salads? I talked about massaging the leaves when I shared Kale Salad with Creamy Poblano Dressing. It really helps to tenderize the leaves. If you toss the torn leaves with the vinaigrette, you will be chewing on crumpled rubber, which is not good eats.  Giving the greens a good massage will soften them and take a bit of the edge off.

Hopefully, you still have a red grapefruit on hand after making the Rise and Shine Juice. Unlike some salad recipes that call for you to cut the fleshy segments between the membranes to make supremes, this recipe has you cut the fruit into slices, keeping the membranes intact.  In keeping just that little bit of membrane, your body will absorb the vitamin C even more. The radishes lend a nice peppery note that balances nicely with the candied pepitas. Did I talk about how sweet and good those pepitas are? 😉

This salad can be served as a light lunch or a side dish to various dishes. We particularly like it with brown butter scallops or sauteed salmon (more on those recipes later).

I almost forgot about another essential ingredient! Cardamom! It is used in the candied pepitas and the vinaigrette. It is not subtle in flavor, and it has a lovely aroma. There is an almost ginger-like taste and essence to it. It can be used in sweet and savory recipes. If you don't use cardamom and are wondering what to do with the rest of the jar, I have linked a few sweets below! Happy cooking!

(with step-by-step pictures)


Rise and Shine Juice

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Rise and shine, readers, it is a New Year! Happy 2025, everyone! Before I get to 
the recipe, I want to share that I will be making changes to The Galley Gourmet. I started this blog back in 2010, but a lot has changed with the platform that I am currently using (like the HTML codes and my printable recipe link that prints out HUGE pictures, and what is a 404 error anyway?). So, it is time to make a fresh start. Having said that, it will take me a bit of time to transfer all my recipes and updates to a new site, but I promise you will still have access to my over 700 recipes until the big reveal!

Did you know that grapefruit is an excellent stimulant to cleanse the intestinal tract when consumed first thing in the morning? After the last two months of rich holiday food, that is a great way to start off your health this year. With the addition of oranges and strawberries ( they are higher in vitamin C than oranges),  you'll get a nice dose of vitamin C, which I think we all need after mingling with family and friends.
I use pink or red grapefruits because they are sweeter than the white ones.  I also use Cara Cara oranges for the same sweet reason. I was lucky to find some delicious fresh strawberries this time of year, but if you cannot find any, frozen ones can be used.  They are usually IQF (individually quick frozen) right after they are picked, so they retain the sweet berry flavor.  The only thing that will change by using frozen berries is that the end result will take longer to blend and have a slight smoothie texture.  Either way, it is a great way to start off any day of the year! Happy juicing!

*WARNING- grapefruit juice can interact with certain medications, so please check with your healthcare provider before proceeding with the recipe. But just orange and strawberry juice is a tasty treat, too!