2019 - dropbox.com. Updated daily circa midnight Pacific time.
- G-politicians.xls - Incumbents and Candidates
- Columns: key, state name, state abbreviation, category, office name, office abbreviation, date up for election, Candidate/Incumbent, incumbent running for office, at term limit, disposition, title, first middle "nick", last, suffix, running mate, balloted party(ies), unballoted party(ies), popular vote, electoral vote, FEC identifier, officeholder website, campaign website.
- G-events.xls - Events (election dates)
- Columns: key, state name, state abbreviation, date, type, description, status, open-1, close-1, timezone-1, open-1 W3C DTF, close-1 W3C DTF, open-2, close-2, timezone-2, open-2 W3C DTF, close-2 W3C DTF, gubernatorial, senatorial, notes.
2019 General Election Outline
- 2019 General Election Home
- Popular Vote by Office
- Regarding Popular Vote Edge Cases
- 2019 Primaries and Runoffs for Statewide offices/Congress
- Alphabetically
- Alphabetically with Filing Deadlines
- Chronologically
- Chronologically with Filing Deadlines
- Primary/Runoff/Special Elections Poll Closing Times (across time zones)
- General Election Poll Closing Times Alphabetically (across time zones)
- General Election Poll Closing Times Chronologically (across time zones)
- Polling Hours
- Offices
- Primaries at a Glance
- Regarding Office Edge Cases
- Open Governor's Chairs, Senate and House Seats (the incumbent is not running for re-election)
- Governor's Chairs, Senate, and U.S. House Seats with no incumbent running for them
- Uncontested Governor's Chairs, Senate, and U.S. House Seats (one candidate running for office)
- Governor's Chairs, Senate, and U.S. House Seats with multiple incumbents running for them
- Governor's Chairs, Senate, and U.S. House Seats with only one major party candidate running for office
- 2019 Partisan Composition by State
- Political Parties
- History
- Comparative Political Party Predominance in each State, 2000 thru 2016
- Political Party Floor Leaders in the Congress of the United States
- Dates of DIRECT PRIMARY Elections re: Major Party Nominations for Statewide and/or Federal Office
- Length of Terms of Office of STATE Governors throughout American History
- Downloadable data files
Modified .