In addition to the usual reviews and comments you would find on a horror movie blog, this is also a document of the wonderfully vast horror movie section of the video store I worked at in my youth.
Showing posts with label Trailer Tuesdays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trailer Tuesdays. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The Clapboard Jungle

Here's the new trailer for Justin McConnell's documentary The Clapboard Jungle.

When it says “five year journey”, that is no hyperbole. I've known Justin for many years now and I've been in the periphery of some of the projects and events that take place in the film so I'm eager to see it all put together. 

There were times when I thought it may never be finished. Not for lack of effort or funds, it's just tough to find an end point in a project like this. Life is life, right? It ebbs and flows and chapters are not as easily discernible as they are on the printed page.

The Clapboard Jungle will premiere on March 26th at the Canadian Film Fest.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Trailer Tuesdays: Killing Cars

While at Eyesore Cinema's flea market event last weekend, I picked up this little oddity.

Unfortunately, I later learned it was not about killer sentient cars, or Jürgen Prochnow going around junking said cars...

So yeah, more of an espionage thriller than a horror, but I do like that the first minute of this trailer is basically an eighties music video. What is really confusing is that director Michael Verhoeven's is not related to Paul “RoboCop” Verheoven, but his father was also named Paul and a prolific actor/writer/director in his native Germany. Learn something new every day.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Trailer Tuesdays: Within The Rock

With Hellraiser still on the brain, I discovered this TV movie from 1996 from long-time F/X artist Gary J. Tunnicliffe.

Well, this looks like all kinds of... something. I do not regret picking this up on VHS for two-fifty last weekend, but more on that tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Trailer Tuesdays: Deathtrap

With Gerald's Game still on my brain, I was looking for horrors that took place in largely one location for this week's trailer tie-in and came across Ira Levin's Deathtrap from 1982.

You know, based on my childhood exposures of the coverbox, I always assumed this movie was a lot less comedic in tone. And when you consider Levin's other big contributions to horror, it seems downright odd.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Trailer Tuesdays: Looker

I was looking around for a tie-in trailer to this weekend's release of Blade Runner 2049 and boy the Internet did not disappoint. This was EXACTLY what I was looking for!

Rest assured, a twelve-dollar used copy of this has been added to my Amazon cart.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Trailer Tuesdays: The Other

I've been reading Grady Hendrix's newest book Paperbacks From Hell (review to come) where he mentions the holy trinity of horror novels, Rosemary's Baby, The Exorcist and The Other. Though it may not have been anywhere near as high profile as the former two titles, The Other also had an accompanying screen adaptation.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Trailer Tuesdays: Cassandra

I had intended to do a VHS Friday for Colin Eggleston's 1987 Aussie horror Cassandra, but it wasn't that hot so I'll just throw up the trailer for you. No harm, no foul.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Trailer Tuesdays: The Hunger

With the character of Philip Jeffries being at the fore in the last few episodes of Twin Peaks - The Return I felt it appropriate to showcase one of David Bowie's other iconic roles, as the vampire John Blaylock in 1983's The Hunger.

I am due for a revisit of this film, as I haven't seen it since back in the First Choice/Superchannel days. Add it to the list I guess.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Trailer Tuesdays: Boardinghouse

Here's the trailer for John Wintergate's 1982 shot-on-video opus Boardinghouse.

They certainly packed a lot of gore into that trailer. I haven't seen this one, but should I ever come across it, I'd be willing to give it a whirl.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Trailer Tuesdays: Nightflyers

I won a copy of Robert Collector's Nightflyers the other day, so I looked it up.

Well, this is not at all what I was expecting. Sign me up! It's a funny coincidence that it is based on a George R.R. Martin novel, considering how completely Game of Thrones is consuming my soul of late.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Trailer Tuesdays: Alone in the Dark

In addition to George A. Romero, we also lost another icon in Martin Landau who passed away on Saturday. He was 89. His career spanned seven decades and included all forms of media. His favourite role of mine (and I'm sure for many) was his turn as Bela Lugosi in Tim Burton's 1993 film Ed Wood

R.I.P. Martin Landau 1928-2017

I'll also remember him from Jack Sholder's 1982 thriller Alone In The Dark where he shared the screen with Donald Pleasance and Jack Palance.

Rest in peace, Mr. Landau. 

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Trailer Tuesdays: Evil In The Deep

With summer now in full swing, you may be tempted to go into the nearest body of water. I, however, feel it is my duty to remind you of what may be waiting for you... EVIL IN THE DEEP

Holy, that narrator is working overtime. Also, I think the antagonist is a shark, but there's so much else going on in this trailer I cannot be sure. For some reason, this trailer neglects to mention this movie features Chuck “muthafuckin Love Connection” WooleryCheryl Ladd, before making the very wise decision to change her last name from Stoppelmoor, also appears.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Trailer Tuesdays: The Lamp

Here's one that looks like a real doozy, Tom Daley's The Lamp aka The Outing.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Trailer Tuesdays: The Bird with the Crystal Plumage

Arrow Films' new limited edition release of Dario Argento's 1970 debut The Bird with the Crystal Plumage comes out today. Here's the release trailer.

I adore this film. It was my introduction to the gialli and still remains one of my absolute favourites. I received this set in the mail last Friday and it is absolutely gorgeous. I entertained the thought of doing an un-boxing video, but it would never be as good as Industrial Blue's so just take a gander at his below.

I can't wait to dig into this set.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Trailer Tuesdays: Night Warning

Today's trailer is for the terrific 1982 horror Night Warning aka Butcher, Baker Nightmare Maker.

Susan Tyrell's fantastic performance as Aunt Cheryl is worth the price of admission alone. I highly recommend anyone who hasn't seen this to track it down.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Trailer Tuesdays: Friday the 13th Part VII

While still consumed by the new Friday the 13th game, it seems fitting to post one of my faves from the series.

I always keep coming back to this one. I love the Jason vs. Carrie conceit and this installment features my favourite Jason design. Then there's the obvious fact that this was Kane Hodder's first go round as Voorhees. It is just a shame that so much of the brutality got lost on the cutting room floor...

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Trailer Tuesdays: The Monster Club

This week's trailer, for reasons that will become clear later this week, is Roy Ward Baker's 1981 anthology flick The Monster Club.

I watched this again fairly recently and it's quite fun. I only had vague memories of watching it twenty-some years on Elvira's Movie Macabre, but it was delightful to see so many of the greats (Vincent Price, John Carradine, Donald Pleasance et al) hamming it up. There's some catchy tunes within, as well.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Trailer Tuesdays: Fire Walk With Me

This week's trailer needs no introduction.

Let's rock.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Trailer Tuesdays: Terror on Tour

I'll be re-watching Night Train To Terror at a party this weekend and it got me thinking about horror films where live music is prominently featured. I didn't have to look long before this one came up.

Directed by Don Edmonds (of Ilsa fame), Terror on Tour promises to crank the eighties cheese to eleven. Anyway, I'm hoping to post something later this week that's been a looooong time coming. Until then, be safe!