Showing posts with label Evie Dunmore. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Evie Dunmore. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday: You already own that book!





Welcome to this week's edition of Top Ten Tuesday which is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's theme Bookish Superpowers I Wish I Had (e.g. never accidentally buying the same book twice, every book I buy would be automatically signed/personally dedicated by the author, the ability to read faster, etc.) (Submitted by Cathy @WhatCathyReadNext)

My list takes one of those suggestions and twists it just a bit. Fortunately, whenever I try to book that I already own, Kindle very gently reminds  me that I already own it! My list this week is therefore the books I have tried to buy more than one!

The Enchanted Garden Cafe by Abigail Drake - I have actually read this book, but that doesn't stop me from attempting to buy it again! (my review)

The Recipes for Love by Anni Rose - Food and romance. What isn't to love. And what's better than 1 book. Well a box set obviously!

The Other Side of Beautiful by Kim Lock - I think I first bought this after seeing Kim Lock at a reader retreat last year.

The Right Place by Carla Caruso - From memory this is another foodie book. I just read the blurb again and it does sound good!

The Last List of Mabel Beaumont by Laura Pearson - I saw this book around the place last year and bought it, and then attempted to buy it again.

Champagne for Breakfast by Maggie Christensen - I have read many, many Maggie Christensen books, but not this one! Yet.

Elizabeth's Star by Rhonda Forrest - This is partially set in New Guinea in WWII, which is a very unusual setting! 

This Has Been Absolutely Lovely by Jessica Dettmann - I read Without Further Ado last year and loved it, so now I need to read her backlist at some point.

The Irish Cottage by Juliet Gauvin - Maybe I should read this book soon given that Reading Ireland hosted by Cathy at 746 Books is about to start.

A Rogue of One's Own by Evie Dunmore - I can't even remember the last time I read a historical romance, and yet I still keep on trying to buy this one!

Sunday, June 06, 2021

Six Degrees of Separation: The Bass Rock to A Desperate Fortune

Welcome to this month's edition of Six Degrees of Separation, which is a monthly meme hosted by Kate from Books Are My Favourite and Best.  The idea is to start with a specific book and make a series of links from one book to the next using whatever link you can find and see where you end up after six links.  I am also linking this post up with The Sunday Salon, hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz.

The starting point this month is The Bass Rock by Evie Wyld which is a book I have heard of before, but haven't read. 

My first connection is to another author I haven't read yet, Evie Dunmore. She writes historical romances and has a series titled the League of Extraordinary Women which I have heard good things about. This is the first book in that series. I'll get to them one day. Maybe.

This time I am going to link surnames to Helen Dunmore and her book, The Greatcoat. I think I borrowed this from the library a few times but I never did quite get to reading it. I have read other books by her though.

The window on that cover made me think of The Wide Window by Lemony Snicket. Many years ago an America friend from Oprahs Book Club sent me several of the Lemony Snicket books. Unfortunately she passed at a very young age. So sad.

One of the first books I read as part of that groups was One Hundred Years of  Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

My next link is to Daughter of Fortune by Isabel Allende, for the only reason that she is another South American author.

And because I never miss an opportunity to link to a Susanna Kearsley book so for my final link I have chosen A Desperate Fortune.

I feel like I have jumped a bit all over the place this month. Next month we start with Eat, Shoots & Leaves by Lynne Truss.