Showing posts with label ruffles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ruffles. Show all posts

Ruffle Flag Pillow

Ruffles make the perfect flag!

{This Little Project} is actually the result of a sleepless night.  As I lay awake this sweet pillow popped into my head and I couldn't wait to make it!

One of my {Little Projects} this year is to create with a lot of repurposed materials.  The red is from a shirt, the white from a sheet, and the blue left over from a quilt and crib set I made for Jay.  Happy Birthday America-no carbon print here (ok I did use my sewing machine to sew it ;)

To make {This Little Project} I just ruffled the fabric and then sewed the ruffles on so they overlapped like this:

I made the sizes of this (white) pillow cover extra long so that it wraps around the back and makes a nice slip-cover, just like This Little Project in the past.

It makes me smile every time I walk by it-there's just something so great about ruffles and America mixed together!

Happy Fourth of July!

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