Many people take their coupons to the grocery store and get great deals and freebies there, too. But, I'd like to caution folks to stop and think about this. What kinds of food is it that you can buy with coupons? 95% of the food coupons *I* see (and I actually look at coupons a lot) are for processed food. Remember, it's better for your family's health if you can limit the amount of processed foods they eat so sometimes, you need to resist clipping that coupon because, as many of you know, once you have a coupon in hand, that coupon wants to be used!
Here's our solution to a high grocery bill- we grow our own groceries! Now, if you're visiting my blog today, there's a good chance you already garden. But, for those of you who don't, please understand, I am not suggesting you try to grow all your food this year.
What I would like to challenge you to do is, if you have space (and space includes flower beds in full sun!) choose a vegetable your family eats a lot of and try to grow a lot of it this year to freeze. If you're feeling brave, grow two or three vegetables! Lettuces, swiss chard, tomato plants, snow peas, and others all look lovely in flower beds! Remember to plant a lot, so you'll have a surplus to freeze and store. Imagine not having to buy as much produce next winter- wouldn't that save you some money?! Even if you don't preserve any of it and just eat it, you've saved money!!
We all know that the food at the grocery store that's good for us- lean meats, fruits, vegetables and whole grain products- are usually the most expensive. So, that's why we need to work on accessing them more cheaply. If you don't have garden space yourself and have friends and neighbors who do, ask if you could use part of their garden space in exchange for helping to weed or water this summer. Pick your own at local farms and preserve extras. You'll avoid those nasty pesticides and everything will taste so much better.
If you can't grow some of your food, use coupons to get most (if not all) your toiletries and household items super cheap or free and then transfer those savings to your grocery budget so you can buy local and/or organic produce at a farm stand or at your grocery store. Coupons can be an excellent round-a-bout means to buying healthy food!
Be creative and remember that just because it's cheap or free doesn't mean you should bring it into your house. That's what the manufacturers want to have happen. They want to get you hooked or their imitation food. Instead, get hooked on real food that will build your health instead of tear it down.
So, if you can, go on and get planting!
Thank you for listening to today's public service announcement. Pin It