"Try IronRuby" updated

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I've updated Interactive IronRuby Web Shell aka Try IronRuby to IronRuby r113 engine. This is so manual, I need to implement automatic update.

I also added a bit controversial recording feature. I now record everything users type there for security and research purposes.  Security - because "Try IronRuby" is hosted on a shared ASP.NET hosting and if somebody crashes it I need to know how it was done to prevent it in the future.

Recording results are live and open at http://ironruby.info/ir/CodeViewer.aspx.

Funny thing - when I started recording I added a disclaimer below the console:

Your Ruby code might be recorded for research purposes. No personal data (such as IP address) is ever collected. View what others typed here.

Immediately a concerned user with name "Life Liberty Property" posted this comment:

While the Try IronRuby piece was cool/fast, the fine print underneath concerns me.

It shows signs that Microsoft doesn't get it, their shills don't get it, M$ and cronies refuse to change, they think they own everything, and they are no more open than before:
"Your Ruby code might be recorded for research purposes"

Do I have to study in detail the MSPL, too, to make sure they don't own everything I write?

Man, my trust surely wasn't earned today.

You mean that somebody is already trying to take code that isn't theirs? Get a life.

What's interesting is that http://tryruby.hobix.com/ doesn't pull this stunt. Of course, _why doesn't need my code.

I'd better respond.

First - sorry for unclear wording. Microsoft obviously doesn't own your Ruby code and IronRuby obviously doesn't record your Ruby Code.

Here is a revised disclaimer you can see below the console:

Everything you type here might be recorded for open research purposes. No personal data (such as IP address) is ever collected. View what others typed here.

I hope it's clearer.

And second - http://tryruby.hobix.com/ does pull this stunt too. And _why does need your code too. Because it's fun!

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