Welcome to Two Chicks on Books!!!

Thanks for stopping by! I'm here to share all things Bookish and also news about Movies, TV Shows, and even Video Games I love! I love to read your comments :)

Showing posts with label Fiktshun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fiktshun. Show all posts

Monday, November 21, 2016

Top 10 of 2016 Sign Up For All The Fun & A Giveaway!

WOW! Has the year flown by or what? I can’t believe we’re ready for another fun filled week where we look back at some of the best of all things books of 2016 and what books we’re looking forward to in 2017. Last year was a blast co-hosting the event with some of my favorite fellow bloggers –Rachel from FiktshunMindy from Magical Urban Fantasy Reads, and Nancy fromTales of a Ravenous Reader! This year sadly Mindy won’t be returning to the event we will miss her. So this year we’re so excited to add Bridget from Dark Faerie Tales to the team! And Nancy added a blog partner so please welcome Christy to the Tales of a Ravenous Reader Team as well! And always a thanks goes out to our original co-hosts Lisa from A Life Bound By Books and Jessica from Confessions of a Bookaholic who will not be hosting the event with us due to their busy lives we hope they’ll be back in 2017!

And we have a special giveaway for people who sign up to participate! We’re giving away an ARC pack of some of the favorite books we’ve read in 2016! And a $10 GC to Amazon or The Book Depository for our International peeps!

The event runs for five consecutive days, the last week of the year. Five days of some of our favorite lists and we invite ALL of YOU to join in on the fun and share your lists with everyone too!

Each day of the event we hope you’ll visit one of the hosting blogs and share your list with the Linky that will be provided. Just be sure you follow which lists goes on which day. Speaking of... here’s what we’re doing for this year’s event!

Monday, December 26th – Best Books I’ve Read in 2016 (Doesn’t have to be released in 2016, just a book you’ve read in 2016)

Tuesday, December 27th– Best Book Covers of 2016 (MUST be a book released in 2016. Would be best if it’s a book you’ve READ in 2016, but it’s not required)

Wednesday, December 28th – Best ________ Of 2016 (Readers/Bloggers choice. Please fill in the blank with ONE of these topics – Villains, Contemporaries, Dual POV’s, Novellas, Adult titles, New Adult titles, Love Triangles, Couples, Bad Boys or Debuts. REMEMBER – this list MUST be from books you’ve READ in 2016)

Thursday, December 29th – Best Book Boyfriends/Girlfriends of 2016 (MUST be from a book released in 2016 and from a book you’ve READ in 2016)

Friday, December 30th – Top 10 Books I’m looking forward to in 2017. (This list should be comprised of books released ONLY in 2017)

How you do these posts/lists is totally up to you. What books, covers and characters you pick are all your own.

The only rules to follow are posting the topics on the dates we’ve provided.

Now, I know what you’re all thinking. That this will be hard to keep to 10. Some of you might like to break the lists up a bit. Working with a Top 10 for YA books and then a Top 10 for New Adult or Adult titles. Feel free to add honorable mentions if you’re also having a hard time sticking to 10. However, with the honorable mentions, please try to keep it to a minimum or it kind of defeats the whole purpose of things.

Our main focus of this event is for YOU to join in and share your lists with us all and for everyone to visit each other’s blogs’ and see what books have made it on THEIR lists.

The event is simple. Follow the dates and list topics as provided and fill out the linky below. This gives us an idea who will be joining us for the Top 10 week. THEN, be sure to come back to one of our blogs on each of the five days and link up your post for that specific day! Just remember, each day will have a linky for THAT Top 10 topic.

Also, you don’t want to miss a day during the event. We just might have some giveaways up our sleeves and joining in the event, keeping up with our and everyone lists just might help you enter to win! Additional giveaway details to follow, so keep checking back to find out what we’re giving away and when!

Top 10 of 2016

And don’t forget to snag our button and to help spread the word for the event. We’d love to have anyone and everyone join us this year. The more the merrier! 

NOTE: this is the SAME Linky on each of the Co-Hosts Blogs, so please only enter your Name, Blog Name and URL on one blog. Thanks!

Be sure to take the button provided for the event and display it on your blog and link it back to this post so anyone who wants to find out more info about the event easily knows how to find us.

We hope everyone who reads this will be as excited for this event as we are and we can't wait to check out all of your lists!

Giveaway Details:
1 winner will win an ARC Pack of the books pictured below, US Only.
1 winner will receive a $10 Amazon or The Book Depository Gift Card, International.

Giveaway is ONLY open to those who've signed up to participate.

Must be 13 or older to enter

Giveaway is US ONLY

Giveaway is open until December 25th at 11:59 p.m. Pacific

Prizes will be sent separately from each of the four hosts to the winner via Media Mail.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday (50)- My Top Ten Blogging Friends That I'm Thankful For

Hi thanks for stopping by!!! And welcome to my Top 10 Tuesday post! 

Thanks to the lovely ladies at The Broke And The Bookish for creating this weekly meme!

Here's this week's topic.

November 24: Thanksgiving themed Freebie -- ten books I'm thankful for, authors I'm thankful for, Ten fictional families I'd like to celebrate Thanksgiving with, a personal non-bookish thankful list, etc. etc.

I'm going to do blogger friends I'm thankful for! I'm going to link to their twitter's and blogs so you can follow them if you'd like!

1. Rachel from Fiktshun. She's one of my bff's and my business partner. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have her ear to bend.

2. Mindy from Magical Urban Fantasy Reads. Another bff IRL. She's one of the first bloggers I met in person (we drove to a Melissa Marr event together without even knowing one another) and we have been friends ever since.

3. Nancy from Tales of A Ravenous Reader. Another bff IRL. What she doesn't know is that she was the inspiration for me to start blogging! I met her at the Smart Chicks Kick It tour before I had a blog and she and I became fast friends.

4. Sophie from Mundie Moms and Page Turners. Sophie is another local and when I first met her I have to admit to being a bit intimidated, I mean she blogged for such huge sites! But she one of the sweetest people and I adore her!

5. Amber from Me My Shelf and I. We weren't close in the beginning but have become great friends and I honestly don't know what I'd do if I didn't have her as a sounding board.

6. Rachel from A Perfection Called Books. Rachel is a newer friend but she's always around to help out and she is co-captain of the Tsar's Guard with me!

7. Bridget from Dark Faerie Tales. If I had a book twin I swear Bridget would be it! We love all the same books and hate all the same books. So when I need a reading rec I reach out to her first.

8. Brittany from Please Feed The Bookworm.  Brittany is another newer blogger friend (not that her blog is new it just took a while for us to connect) she's always there for a book rec and I love her blog!

9. Jenna and Crystal from Bookemoji. I've known these two for what seems like forever back when each had their own blogs! I love these ladies for their book recs and their creativity!

10. Leydy, Bri, and Yara from Once Upon A Twilight. OuAT is the same age as Two Chicks on Books so I feel like we've grown up together in the blogging world (although OuAT is a much huger blog than mine lol) but I love these ladies they're always there for a blog tour stop or a crazy idea like the Nefarious Nine lol.

So what about you? What are your favorite book To Movie or TV Adaptations? And come back next week for my Top Ten 2016 Debuts Novels We Are Looking Forward To!


Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Fantastic Fives- My Five Year Anniversary Stop

Hey everyone welcome to my stop on the Fantastic Fives Celebration! 

Have you heard of the event? Well Two Chicks On Books (Me) and Me My Shelf And I decided to host a massive birthday celebration for all book blogs turning 5 this year! 5 is a pretty huge milestone and we wanted to CELEBRATE!

5 years is quite a milestone in the book blogging community! I'm sure you've seen blogs you love come and go over the time that you have been here for many reasons. We all know it can be hard to keep up, to read as much as you feel needs reading, finding the time to post – and so we want to put the focus on those that have made it to 5 – like Amber and I!

Here's all the details of the event!

Any book blog that has already, or will turn 5 years old before the end of 2015!

What and When
Starting on November 8th and lasting as long as it needs to – each day a new blog will have the spotlight on them with a small interview and a giveaway of their choice. 

Now on to my post!

Tell us a little bit about yourself.
My name is Jaime my 5 year blogaversary will be on December 30! I started blogging because I love books and wanted to share my love with other people. Over the years my blogging has actually helped me turn my love of books into a career! I started out as an intern at Entangled Publishing and was hired as a publicist and now am the Publicity and Marketing Director at Month9Books! I also co-own a blog tour company with one of my BFF's and fellow Fantastic Fiver Rachel from Fiktshun!

Outside my reading/blogging life. I am a huge sports fan I love NASCAR and The Oakland Raiders and A's! I love a good beer and cooking, And I love TV and movies! 

How did you get started blogging? 
I was a stay at home caretaker and I read all the time. I saw a few book blogs around and though "hey I could do that". So I asked a friend if she would like to do a blog together since I didn't think I'd have the time to do it alone. And Two Chicks on Books was born! About a year in I parted ways with my partner though since I found myself doing most of the work but I kept the name since people already knew it.

How did you pick the name for your blog?
Well there were 2 of us to start so it seemed like a cute name.

If you could go back in time and tell your newbie blogger self 1 thing what would it be?
Don't have a partner! I am much happier running the blog on my own. Also don't feel like you have to post a review for every book you read or participate in every meme you see.

What have you learned in your 5 years of blogging?
That you need to blog your way. There is no right or wrong way to blog. I've learned a bunch of other stuff too but I think this is the most important thing to remember.

What was the first ARC or book you ever received from a publisher?

Magicians Muse by Linda Joy Singleton. I didn't get this from a publisher I got it from the author. She's a local author and friend and I adore this series so she sent me an ARC.

First publisher ARC? It was an eGalley Angelfire by Courtney Allison Moulton. I wasn't established enough to get a paper ARC of this one but back then I used Netaglley quite often.

My first paper ARC? That was The Girl of Fire And Thorns by Rae Carson and Fateful by Claudia Gray. Thanks Harper Teen for giving a fledgling blogger a chance! I will always remember that!

When you’re not reading or blogging, what can we find you doing?

Cooking, travelling, or doing yard work, or watching TV! I'm a huge fan of shows like Supernatural, Arrow, Heroes Reborn, Blindspot, DaVinci's Demons, The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, Game of Thrones, and The Walking Dead. I also love watching sports. 

Here’s where it gets hard everyone!!!

The Fives: (and yes, you can ONLY have 5! *muwhahahah*)

Yes I know Amber and I came up with these but they still suck lol

Five Favorite Books
Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder
A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray
Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers
Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas
Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead

Five Favorite Book Boyfriends
Valek from Maria V. Snyder's Study & Glass series.

Hector from Rae Carson's Girl of Fire and Thorns series.

Ash from Julie Kagawa's Iron Fey series.

Adrian Ivashkov from Richelle Mead's Vampire Academy and Bloodlines series.

Shane McAllister from Jeri Smith-Ready's WVMP Radio series.

Five Favorite Book Quotes
I have way too many so I'm going to not do this one lol

Five Blogging Tips For New Bloggers
Blog your way. There is no right or wrong way to blog and those people who tell you there is are wrong.

Don't worry about getting all the ARC's! Even established blogs miss out on ARC's. And trust me there will come a time when you have so many books you won't know what to do with them all.

Read what you want when you want and read for fun! If you start scheduling things the fun goes away.

Don't participate in memes just to get followers. Participate because you want to meet new bloggers and actually comment on their posts. You will meet a lot of great people participating in memes as well as on social media so get out there and be social!

Have fun! This is the most important one in my opinion. If you're not having fun you're not doing it right. Blogging is for fun it's not a job.

Five Blogs You Want The World To Know About

These are easy since I love these ladies! The top 3 are some of my closest friends that I have known forever. The last 2 are newer bloggers that I've gotten to know over the past year and they are doing some awesome things!

The Giveaway
I will be having a HUGE giveaway that will include a kindle paperwhite, ARC's, and swag on my actual blogaversary which is December 30th so make sure to stop back for that.

For this giveaway I'm giving away a stack of fall 2015 ARC's and a couple of early 2016 ARC's, US Only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Fantastic Fives Schedule
November 8 Books Etc.
November 9 Fiktshun
November 10 Two Chicks On Books
November 11 Me, My Shelf and I
November 12 Bewitched Bookworms
November 13 Novel Novice
November 14 Book Angel Bookutopia- No post
November 15 Maer Wilson
November 17 YA Book Shelf
November 19 Bookish Lifestyle
November 20 Once Upon A Twilight
November 21 Stories & Sweeties
November 22 Bookaholics Anonymous

Friday, November 22, 2013

Top 10 of 2013- Sign up for all the fun!!!!!!

WOW! Has the year flown by or what? 

I can’t believe we’re ready for another fun filled week where we look back at some of the best of all things books of 2013 and what books we’re looking forward to in 2014. Last year was a blast co-hosting the event with some of my favorite fellow bloggers –Lisa from A Life Bound By BooksJessica from Confessions of a BookaholicRachel from Fiktshun, and Mindy from Magical Urban Fantasy Reads! This year unfortunately Lisa and Jessica will not be hosting the event with us due to their busy lives but they both hope to be back in 2014! We will miss you ladies! *Hugs*

The event runs for five consecutive days, the last week of the year. Five days of some of our favorite lists and we invite ALL of YOU to join in on the fun and share your lists with everyone too!

Each day of the event we hope you’ll visit one of the hosting blogs and share your list with the Linky that will be provided. Just be sure you follow which lists goes on which day. Speaking of... here’s what we’re doing for this years event !

Monday, December 23rd – Best Books I’ve Read in 2013 (Doesn’t have to be released in 2013, just a book you’ve read in 2013)

Tuesday, December 24th – 
Best Book Covers of 2013 (MUST be a book released in 2013. Would be best if it’s a book you’ve READ in 2013, but it’s not required)

Wednesday, December 25th – 
Best ________ Of 2013 (Readers/Bloggers choice. Please fill in the blank with ONE or More of these topics – Villains, Contemporaries, Dual POV’s, Novellas, Adult titles, New Adult titles, Love Triangles, Couples, Bad Boys or Debuts. REMEMBER – this list MUST be from books you’ve READ in 2013)

Thursday, December 26th – 
Best Book Boyfriends of 2013 (MUST be from a book released in 2013 and from a book you’ve READ in 2013)

Friday, December 27th – 
Top 10 Books I’m looking forward to in 2014. (This list should be comprised of books released ONLY in 2014)

How you do these posts/lists is totally up to you. What books, covers and characters you pick are all your own.

The only rules to follow are posting the topics on the dates we’ve provided.

Now, I know what you’re all thinking. That this will be hard to keep to 10. Some of you might like to break the lists up a bit. Working with a Top 10 for YA books and then a Top 10 for Adult titles. Feel free to add honorable mentions if you’re also having a hard time sticking to 10. However, with the honorable mentions, please try to keep it to a minimum or it kind of defeats the whole purpose of things.

Our main focus of this event is for YOU to join in and share your lists with us all and for everyone to visit each other’s blogs’ and see what books have made it on THEIR lists.

The event is simple. Follow the dates and list topics as provided and fill out the linky below. This gives us an idea who will be joining us for the Top 10 week. THEN, be sure to come back to one of our blogs on each of the five days and link up your post for that specific day! Just remember, each day will have a linky for THAT Top 10 topic.

Also, you don’t want to miss a day during the event. We just might have some giveaways up our sleeves and joining in the event, keeping up with our and everyone lists just might help you enter to win! Additional giveaway details to follow, so keep checking back to find out what we’re giving away and when!

And don’t forget to snag our button and to help spread the word for the event. We’d love to have anyone and everyone join us this year. The more the merrier! 

NOTE: this is the SAME Linky on each of the Co-Hosts Blogs, so please only enter your Name, Blog Name and URL on one blog. Thanks!

Be sure to take the button provided for the event and display it on your blog and link it back to this post so anyone who wants to find out more info about the event easily knows how to find us.

We hope everyone who reads this will be as excited for this event as we are and we can't wait to check out all of your lists!

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Authors Are Rockstars- It's a Wrap!

August has ended and so has the 2nd Annual Authors Are Rockstars Tour. This year’s event, with over 160 authors on tour, was a bit more of a challenge, but still a lot of fun.

There were guest posts, interviews, dueling interviews in which two authors interviewed each other, playlists, top ten lists, deleted scenes, excerpts, a chat and much, much more.

This year’s author participants sent along some amazing posts for their blog hosts, proving our point that authors are in fact rockstars. And the bloggers that hosted their favorite rockstar authors did a phenomenal job of showing those who stopped by exactly why their author was a rockstar.

In the end we had 168 participating authors plus one author spotlight and 155 bloggers involved in this event. Which was totally surprising and absolutely amazing. Even with a few mishaps along the way we definitely consider this event a success.

If August was as crazy a month for you as it was for us and you didn't get a chance to visit all the stops, CLICK HERE for the full lineup with direct links to each of the stops on tour. There may even be a few giveaways still open, so be sure to check them out.

For this year's event we were honored to welcome back a number of authors from last year and were thrilled to welcome a number of new authors to the tour. Some of the author participants have long been on our rockstar authors list but we are totally stoked to be able to call many new or new-to-us authors rockstars this year.

We hope, for both readers and author and blogger participants alike, that this event was a lot of fun. And we hope that with this year's tour we were able to put a few new authors and bloggers on your radar.

The authors on tour this year are all ones we consider rockstars, but they are not all the authors we consider rockstars. While we would have loved to include every single rockstar author on our tour, we are only three bloggers and can only do so much. But we were super excited to be able to add to the number of authors we had on tour last year.

When we hosted this event last year it was only ever intended to be a one-time event. And while we decided to do this again this year, we currently do not have plans to do this again next year. It's eleven months away and who knows where we'll be. But you never know... anything is possible....


The Tour Giveaways

We will each be announcing the winners of our tour "kick-off" giveaways on our respective blogs next weekend. So be sure to stop by to see if you won. Winners will also be contacted by email after the announcements have gone live.

To Those We Owe Thanks

Firstly we cannot thank the authors enough for generously giving of their time to this event. Taking the time away from their busy writing and editing schedules to create the posts and answer the questions and to support this event means the world to us.

Without them there would be no event. And we are eternally grateful.

Once again we have to thank the wonderful team at Harlequin TEEN for their unfailing support of each and every one of their authors by offering their books for giveaway and for helping to spread the word about this event.

And, of course, we have to thank the wonderful blog hosts who wrote such heartfelt passages about why their author was a rockstar, who came up with interesting topics and questions for the authors they adore, and who put together some pretty fantastic posts which gave readers the chance to learn a bit more about each of the participating authors on tour.

We'd also like to give a special thanks to Lost at Midnight Reviews for putting together an amazing post spotlighting her rockstar author when circumstances prevented her from being able to participate. If we hadn't already considered her author a rockstar, we most certainly would have after reading her post.

And last, but absolutely not least, we would like to thank all of the readers who followed the tour, left comments sharing their thoughts about the rockstar authors on each of the blog stops, who helped to spread the word about this year's event, and who share their enthusiasm and love for the authors year after year by reading their books and spreading the word to anyone who will listen.

Every single one of you totally rocks!

From One Host to Another

This year's event couldn't be the success it was without both Rachel of Fiktshun and Mindy of Magical Urban Fantasy Reads co-hosting with me.

There is no way we could have pulled off an event as large as this year's event without being able to work together as a team. And I felt like together we were an amazing, rockstar, awesomesauce team!

Rachel and I definitely couldn't have done this with just the two of us like we did last year; with the crazy amount of authors who said yes . But with the three of us we rocked it and Rachel and Mindy were absolutely amazing to work with! I'm so glad to have had Mindy on board this year. I'm sure I speak for Rachel when I say that we couldn't have done this without you.

I have always considered Rachel a rockstar and without a doubt Mindy totally rocks, too. So I cannot thank you both enough for making this event a rockstar event and picking up the slack when I got sick or had a crazy amount of work to do.


Well, that just about does it....

If we've forgotten to thank anyone, we are so, so sorry. While the event has ended, we are still knee-deep in giveaways, so we are still just a bit frazzled. So... just in case someone was missed, we'd like to thank everyone!

Thank you everyone!

The Authors Are Rockstars Giveaway Winners will be posted next weekend, so be sure to stop by each of our blogs to see if you've won.

But for now... it’s a wrap.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Bloggers ARE Rockstars, Too Giveaway!

Poster_DRK_PURP_announcementIn less than two days we'll be kicking off the 2nd Annual Authors Are Rockstars Tour. We have some seriously amazing authors on this year's tour. But the blog hosts we have for this year's event are also awesome.

Yes, we think bloggers can be rockstars too!

And so, before the event kicks off, we wanted to thank the bloggers who are hosting all of these incredible authors throughout the month of August.

You have all been amazing and without you, too, this event couldn't be the success it will be and already is!



And while we'd have loved to be able to give something to each of the participating bloggers, as we have well over 150 blogger hosts on tour, it's just not feasible.

So, instead, we're offering up a couple of signed books for giveaway as a way of saying thank you. It is ONLY open to the blogger hosts on tour. And we're keeping it open until August 15th just in case any of the hosts who are interested in entering can enter.

Line_001 giveaway

What's up for grabs?

A SIGNED copy of THE TESTING by Joelle Charbonneau + a SIGNED copy of THE 5th WAVE by Rick Yancey and some Authors Are Rockstars stickers - to ONE Winner

  The Deets

- MUST be an Authors Are Rockstars Blog Host!

- Giveaway IS International

- There will be ONE Winner

- There are NO requirements to like or follow, but leaving a comment is always appreciated!

Enter in the Rafflecopter below... a Rafflecopter giveaway
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